Medical Articles of Interest For September 2016

 The following are from a site summarizing medical research:

Can a Good Diet Prevent Dementia?

Mediterranean Diet Lowers CVD Risk in Prospective Study

Fungus May Be ‘Key Factor’ in Crohn’s Disease

Chronic Constipation a Warning Sign for GI Disorders

Farm Living Study Confirms the Hygiene Hypothesis

See the following for discussion of the Hygiene Hypothesis – The Hygiene Hypothesis — Redefine, Rename, or Just Clean It Up?

New FDA Watch List Covers 27 Drugs and Drug Classes

Herbal and Dietary Supplements Tied to Liver Damage

This article is one of the reasons why you should use supplements from one of the first companies in the nutritional supplement industry to achieve three independent certifications for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) by world-leading arbiters. In many areas, Metagenics exceeds these requirements with additional in-house testing and third-party assays by respected independent laboratories.

Here’s more information on Metagenics:

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

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How a NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist/NeuroKineticTherapy Practitioner Treats Migraine Headaches

Are you having intense throbbing or a pulsing sensation in one area of your head and experiencing nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

Does your headache last for hours to days and is it so severe that all you can think about is finding a dark, quiet place to lie down.

Then it a good bet that you are suffering from a migraine headache.

Some find that their migraine is preceded or accompanied by sensory warning symptoms (aura), such as flashes of light, blind spots, or tingling in your arm or leg.

Unfortunately a lot of migraine sufferers take pharmaceuticals which only work 50% of the time, only that mask symptoms and cause side effects which include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, liver toxicity, muscle weakness and an increased risk of strokes and heart attacks.


In my practice, I have work with numerous people affected by migraines and I use a combination of holistic therapies to give my patients relief from their migraines.

In my practice, I have found some of the causes to be

  • Cervical and Cranial Misalignment/Malfunction
  • Neck Muscle Imbalances – Facilitating ones compensating for inhibited/weak ones
  • TMJ – Jaw joint & muscle imbalances
  • Stress
  • Liver toxicity
  • Food allergies/ Intolerances
  • Imbalance in Organ and Vascular Function
  • Nutritional Deficiencies such as Magnesium, B complex vitamins, Vitamin D and CoQ10

A lot of migraine sufferers have a combination of these causal factors.

In my practice, I check for upper cervical mis-alignments which can irritate nerves to the head and refer painful impulses.

Jammed cranial sutures can also affect both cranial and cervical nerves and the muscles of the head and cause pain.

Poor posture can cause cervical and cranial problems and therefore a patient’s posture is addressed and corrected.

Neck, shoulder and jaw muscles are tested for imbalances where facilitated muscles are compensating for inhibited muscles or where hypo-tonic  or hyper-tonic muscles affect the alignment of the spine,jaw or skull.

Organ and vascular mis-function (not pathology), food allergies, intolerances, and liver toxicity can affect the processes of organs to work efficiently, decrease blood flow, affect the immune response and increase toxics in the body.

I use neuro-lymphatics and neuro-vascular pts and acupressure pts to increase the function and energy of the body.

I can also use these points to help the patient deal with stress and also suggest lifestyle changes to help them cope with the cause of their stress

I check to see if the patient is eating foods that aggravate their migraine symptoms; these can include food allergies and intolerances such as gluten or dairy. Allergies and intolerances create problems in your gut and increase toxicity in the body.

I encourage patient to only eat whole, natural un-processed fresh foods and get rid of artificial sweeteners, foods with high fructose corn syrup and other additives.

A lot of migraine sufferers befit from nutritional supplementation and a liver detox to increase body function

For more information on migraines, please see

If you suffer from migraines, please think about being treated with the combination of the above holistic therapies give me a call at 212-431-3724 to make an appointment.

© 2014-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Revision: ©2016 – Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials on my web site.

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Findings Fortify Low Riboflavin, Migraine Link

How a NYC Applied Kinesiologist Uses Neurovascular Pts for Better Physical and Emotional Wellbeing.

First what are neurovascular points?

Neurovascular points are points discovered in the 1930’s by chiropractor Dr. Terence Bennett. He had found via x-ray fluoroscope that stimulating these points would increase blood circulation to the organs that were associated with these points. The increased blood flow would increase the flow of nutrients and O2 to the associated organ and have the positive effect of improving the function of the associated organ.

Dr. George Goodheart who founded Applied Kinesiology took up Bennett’s work and noticed that the points could also turn weak muscles on. Dr. Goodheart then observed that many internal organs had reflex connections in the muscles and joints and along with a cross reference via the Chinese acupuncture system that certain muscles were associated w/ certain organs

Neurovascular points are mainly located on the face and head; they are stimulated by lightly pressing on the point until you feel a pulse and as most of these points have a right and left side on the head (or face).you would keep on pressing until the pulses matched each other.

One of the most well known points is used in Emotional Release Technique. These points are associated with the Pectoralis Major muscle and the Stomach. These associations are interesting as in our culture we talk about getting our stomach in a knot or about having chest tightness when we are upset. The points are the first two bumps on our forehead; neurovascular_points

The technique is simple: think about what is bothering you as you hold these points and then make a statement as how you will solve the problem. For example, if you have anxiety about talking to someone who always makes you angry; think about why they make you angry and then make a statement such as “I will not let “name” make me angry, his issues are his and not mine” or something simpler. Say the statement out loud as you hold the pulse and keep on repeating the phase until you feel the pulses becoming equal.

Try it and let me know!

 © 2011-Dr. Vittoria Repetto


Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

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Why Sometimes Being Sick Is The Healthiest Thing You Can Do For Yourself!!

Yes I know you are scratching your head over that title, wondering what the heck am I talking about.

A case in point happened this weekend and the following days in my office.

Last Saturday afternoon, I noted that I had a sensation of nausea and by the time I got home, I had the “runs.” When I took my temperature, I was 100F –another sign that my body was fighting some sort of infection but not “medically significant” or dangerous.

So I heated up some chicken broth, added some extra sea salt to it and drank a lot of water in order to help aid whatever my body was trying to get rid of and prevent any dehydration that would have made me sicker. The rest of Saturday as well as Sunday was a cycle of sleep (the body’s best anti-oxidant), waking up to go to the bathroom, liquid intake, work on my neuro-lymphatic pts and acu-points for my intestines, television, bathroom, lymphatic/acu-points,  sleep, liquid, sleep, etc.

But by Sunday night, my temperature was back to normal and the trips to the bathroom were getting more spaced apart. On Monday, I got a friend to stop by and pick up some “sticky rice” at a local Chinese restaurant to help to start to slow up the runs. Tuesday, I was able to go out to a food store for some chicken & noodle soup, some yogurt and a bottle of Pepto-Bismol. By the time evening arrived and only one bowel movement in the mid afternoon & normal temperature I knew that I could go into work the next day.

At work on Weds, one of my newer patients came in complaining of a lung & bronchial infection for which he was taking antibiotics which started after he was treated for diarrhea while on a trip with corticosteroids. In other words, immune suppression of his natural intestinal response led to a lung infection.

As an Applied Kinesiologist I know that the Lung and the Large intestine are Yin /Yang partners in the body’s health.

For people like myself in non-allopathic medicine (chiropractic, acupuncturist, naturopaths, etc) symptoms are not only clues to what disease or problem is affecting the patient but also symptoms can express the body’s attempt to heal itself. Therefore symptoms should not be covered up by treatment. Suppression of symptoms did not heal the body or cure the disease, the illness just moved to another area

In our modern society, we have been trained (mostly) by the pharmaceutical companies to equate symptoms of illness w/ an illness or a disease that needs to be suppressed.

Have heartburn; take an antacid or proton inhibitor..effective in the short  term but can cause if used long term diseases like osteoporosis and dementia due to nutrition deficiencies caused by the heartburn drugs.

Instead how about changing your diet or seeing if the body needs a hiatal hernia fixed or some digestive enzymes.

So the next time, you have vague symptoms like coughing, slight fever, diarrhea, tiredness, etc, please instead of masking these symptoms with drugs, think about what may be causing the symptoms and consult a non-allopathic healer to help your body fight what is causing the symptoms.

 © 2011-Dr. Vittoria Repetto


Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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Research Supporting Chiropractic & Applied Kinesiology

Here’s two web pages showing some of the research being done on Chiropractic

& on Applied Kinesiology at 

Some of the sample papers on Applied Kinesiology include:

Knee Pain and Positive MMT Findings Correlation.

 Neck Pain Caused by Muscle Weakness.

 Low Back Pain Caused by Muscle Weakness

Meridian System Relationship: AK and MMT


Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice at 455 W. 23rd St , NYC 10011; please go to
And please check out the Patient Testimonials at the “Our Practice” page at the web site.

How a NYC Applied Kinesiologist/NeuroKinetic Therapist Treats Heartburn or Acid Reflux

Heartburn, also known as acid reflux, is a burning sensation in the chest, just behind the breastbone or just below the breastbone. The sensation of pain or discomfort often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. The sensation gets worse on lying down or bending over.

Chronic heartburn is called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is a relatively new classification of chronic heartburn (less than 10 yrs) which seems to have appeared at the same time as two new classifications of drugs H-2-receptor blockers and Proton pump inhibitors which were stronger and provided longer relief than similar antacids.

However  all three mentioned drug classifications by different mechanisms stop the production of stomach acid; stomach acid which we need in order to not only digest food but help us absorb essential nutrients like Calcium and Vitamin B12.

Now one of the possible causes of heartburn or acid reflux is a hiatal hernia. When one part of the internal body pushes into another part where it should not be, it is called a hernia.  The hiatus is an a opening in the diaphragm muscle that allows for the passage of the esophagus as it attaches to the stomach and the passage of the aorta, the inferior vena cava and nerves.

See and observe the way the diaphragm muscle is constructed. There are muscle fibers that wrap around both sides of the esophagus.

A hiatal hernia is when due to diaphragm weakness, the stomach slips upward through the hiatus into the space where the esophagus is causing both nerve irritation and slippage of stomach acid into the esophagus causing the sensation of heartburn or GERD.

hiatal hernia

 As a chiropractor, we affect the diaphragm by manipulation of the 4th & 5th cervical vertebrae which  then forms the phrenic nerve and innervates the diaphragm and the stomach and esophagus via manipulation of the greater splanchnic nerve  at 5th to 9th thoracic vertebrae

As an applied kinesiologist,  we work the neuro-lymphatics and neuro-vascular points to increase blood and lymph flow for these organs. I would also look for a possible fixation (not a subluxation) of the lower thoracic vertebrate.

Besides the diaphragm, the psoas muscle is important to check as its fibers blend with the fibers of the posterior diaphragm. The muscles of the chest and the abdomen are also important to check if the patient is constantly in a flexed position.

As an applied kinesiologist, I check to see which muscles are weak or hypertonic.

As a neurokinetic therapist, I look to see if the muscles of the posterior thoracic (mid back)  are inhibited by the muscles of the anterior chest or abdomen .

The cranial system is checked for involvement of the parasympathetic (vagus nerve). 

Acupoints  for the stomach, and lung may be checked for involvement.

We would gently after these procedures try to gently manipulate the movement of the stomach back into its proper place and then strengthen the diaphragm muscles; give breathing exercises for the patient to do at home to stop the hernia from happening again are  included as well as nutrients like zinc, l-glutamine to heal any micro-erosions in the GI wall, digestive enzymes to restore the function of the stomach and   supplements like Vitamin B12 and calcium that have not been absorbed due to medications.

How a Combination of Applied Kinesiology, NeuroKinetic Therapy and Chiropractic Works

Muscles, Connective Tissue Between Organs Influence Illness

 © 2011-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

© 2016 Revised – Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Here are some medical research studies on the adverse effects of proton pump inhibitors which are routinely prescribed for heartburn/acid reflux/GERD.

Chronic Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors Increases Heart Risk

Popular Heartburn Medication Linked to Increased Stroke

Micronutrient Deficiency Often Unnoticed in PPI Users

PPIs and Kidney Injury: Longer Use Tied to Higher Risk

Proton Pump Inhibitors Accelerate Cellular Aging

Proton Pump Inhibitors Linked to Dementia

Gastric Acid Suppression Increases Odds of Gut Colonization With Resistant Organisms

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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Possible Methods to Prevent Cognition Decline

There are studies going on that suggest that different foods, certain nutrients and exercise may have an effect on not only preventing amyloid deposits but may have an effect in clearing them. Some of the studies that are going on are based on observation of lower rates of Alzheimer’s in populations that use certain foods.
One can easily search for these studies at; I will mention a few of these studies
For example, observation of Indian & Southeast Asian populations that tend to eat a lot of curry have stimulated studies on Turmeric as a possible clearing mechanisms
Rosemary has a very old reputation for improving memory, and has been used as a symbol for remembrance (during weddings, war commemorations and funerals) in Europe and Australia In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Ophelia says, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.”
Here’s a study of the effect of rosemary aroma on cognition
In one study, greater amounts of walking are associated with greater gray matter volume, which is in turn associated with a reduced risk of cognitive impairment.
There are studies that suggest that B vitamins may lower the rate of brain atrophy
At the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society on  August 23, 2010, research on cultured mouse hippocampal cells,  found that extracts of blueberries, strawberries, and acai berries help autophagy, a method by which toxic debris are sequestered in the brain. Studies have shown that this “housekeeping” function in the brain declines considerably as we age, which can lead to the buildup of proteins linked to age-related mental decline and memory loss.

Copyright – 2010-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice; please go to
And please check out the Patient Testimonials page at the web site
Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? Click here:

The Basics of Applied Kinesiology

Applied kinesiologists use the following skills:

As some of you know, Muscle Testing is a basic in AK. When you test a muscle, you test not only the condition of the muscle itself, but the joint it crosses or moves, the spinal innervations of that muscle, the Chinese meridian (acupuncture energy line) associated w/ that muscle and the organ associated w/ that Chinese meridian and some cranial-sacral faults.

The Art and Science of Muscle Testing in Applied Kinesiology

Challenge is an essential diagnostic procedure used to determine the body’s ability to cope with external stimuli, which can be physical, chemical, or mental.  An example of a physical challenge is pushing on a skeletal joint to determine an irritation that produces a muscle strength change. Chemical challenge may occur when one inhales potentially toxic chemicals or chews nutritional factors.  Mental challenge includes thought processes, either pleasant or unpleasant to the individual. After an external stimulus is applied, muscle-testing procedures are done to determine a change in the muscle strength as a result of the stimulus.

Therapy localization is another diagnostic procedure in AK that consists of placing the patient’s hand over areas of suspected involvement, then using muscle testing procedures to determine any change in strength. Placing the patient’s hand on different locations stimulates nerve endings and/or possibly changes the patient’s electromagnetic energy field. Therapy localization is strictly a diagnostic tool in AK that is to be combined with the other diagnostic findings to arrive at a final conclusion.

Nutritional evaluation in AK is done as part of your total examination. The muscle test is used to confirm the other findings your doctor will use from laboratory testing, nutritional diaries, blood and saliva testing, and your history. Evaluation of nutritional products and foods by using taste to determining how your body reacts to them, as observed by MMT(manual muscle testing) , is an important addition to providing optimal nutritional support for patients who need it.

For more information on  nutritional evaluation, please read:

testing nl

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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Characteristics of Applied Kinesiology

  • Diagnoses and treats the primary cause of neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction, i.e . muscle impairment and weakness.
  • Adds patient-specific information to the standard history, physical diagnosis, and laboratory tests.
  • Provides an interactive assessment of an individual’s functional health status that is non-invasive, risk-free, and not equipment intensive.
  • Improves the reliability of examination tools (motion palpation, cranio-sacral palpation, pulse-diagnosis, and postural analysis) by the use of manual muscle testing.
  • Helps the doctor to understand functional symptomatic complexes when standard diagnosis and laboratory tests show no cause for the symptoms.
  • Examines all sides of the triad of health.
  • ak-image.jpg
  • Evaluates the nervous system’s control of the body.
  • Integrates function of the meridian system (acupuncture) into the examination.
  • Examines function before symptoms are present to prevent or delay the onset of pathologic processes.
  • Interdisciplinary approach – fits the best treatment to the patient’s specific needs.
  • For additional information


For more information, please read


Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice; please go to
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PTSD and Applied Kinesiology Techniques to Help

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of anxiety disorder that’s triggered by a traumatic event; sufferers may have the following symptoms of nightmares, insomnia, flashbacks, rage, emotional numbing, hypervigiliance, hyperarousal, depression, anxiety, intrusive thoughts and avoidance.

 There are a number of techniques that can help the PSTD patient cope better w/ their stresses and there are even techniques that the patient can practice at home.

 The first one involves the adrenal glands, an organ involved in our sympathetic reflex or “the fight or flight reaction” Continuous stress can cause the adrenals not to function optimally; symptoms can include fatigue, insomnia, depression brain fog, etc. if the adrenals are involved, then the PTSD patient might present w/ weak Sartorius muscle, a craving for salty foods, blood pressure that drops upon sudden standing or their pupils may have a sluggish reaction to light.

 Help for the adrenals involves stimulation of the neurolymphatics and neurovascular points associated w/ the Sartorius muscle and it’s link via the Chinese meridian system to the adrenals. This is a technique that the patient can do at home.

 Another muscle to look at is the Pectoralis Clav. Major that is associated to the stomach via the Chinese meridian system. We know that anxiety and stress being a predisposing factor in stomach dysfunction raging form “butterflies” in the stomach, to a gastric ulcer to emotional chest pain.

 The patient’s Pectoralis muscle would be tested while recalling a traumatic event If the muscle tests weak, then the doctor contacts the emotional neurovascular reflex pt until a synchronous pulse is felt bilaterally. Then the patient again recalls the traumatic event and the pectorals are re-tested. If the pectorals test strong, then the emotional recall is lessened in its ability to affect the patient. And the patient is taught to do the reflex work at home.

 Another technique involves negating a patient’s self-sabotaging behavior. We have the patient speak a positive statement such as “I want to be healthy” and if that statement causes any muscle to be weak then we know that there is a conflict in the mind-body connection. We then have the patient say the positive phase again while holding either points on the Small Intestine meridian; the point used is the one that allows the previously weak muscle to test strong. An acu-aid is placed on the point and the patient instructed to tap the point if they feel their symptoms creeping up on them.

 Another technique is the Temporal Tap which works as an auto-suggestion. The patient is taught to tap the temporo-sphenoidal line on the side of his head while inputting a negative statement such as “I have no need to yell.” on the right side  And then the patient inputs a positive statement such “I will be calm”.

 This technique works wonders for insomnia.

 Another technique involves holding acupuncture points while the patient thinks about his fears or anger or anxiety and we observe if that “causes a muscle to go weak; meridians associated w/ fear may be the kidney/bladder meridian or the stomach or the liver/gall bladder for anger issues. Then the patient (or the doctor) taps the beginning and end point of the meridian involved and the muscle is re-tested as the patient thinks again about his problem. A positive outcome would be a strong muscle test and the patient feeling that his fear has lessened

As you see with testing by a doctor using applied kinesiology, the patient can actively take a role in becoming healthier, more calm, more social. etc

© 2010-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Common Medications for PTSD Tied to Increased Dementia Risk

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice at 230 W. 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

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