2014 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 6,800 times in 2014. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 6 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

A NYC Chiropractor Talks About The Triad of Health In Applied Kinesiology

 There are three factors involved when we talk about restoring or maintaining health, it is a triad symbolized by an equilateral triangle. If one side of the triangle is ignored, health is diminished and can lead to a significant health problem.


 As a doctor of chiropractic using applied kinesiology to evaluate body function, I have a special interest in carefully observing all side of this triangle so that a patient can be evaluated and treated successfully.

The three parts of this equilateral triangle or triad are Structure, Chemical and Mental.


 Structure: Chiropractic is the major healing profession dealing with the triad’s structural base. Chiropractors using applied kinesiology not only deal with the spine but also with the joints and muscles of the body.

 Structural changes (especially of the spine) may compromise the spaces that nerves must transverse, causing nerve entrapment. Nerves are a major form of communication in the body; muscles, organs and glands may not function correctly if there is nerve entrapment. Lymphatic flow and vascular flow can also be entrapped. Body pain and numbness, lack of energy, general malaise, decreased immune and organ function are possible signs of a problem with nerve, lymphatic or vascular flow that started with a structural problem. Muscle weakness and imbalance can increase the structural instability which is compromising nerve, lymphatic and vascular flow, thus forming a vicious circle.

 Chemical: The allopathic medical profession attempts to control body dysfunction via prescription drugs; unfortunately most drugs only mask symptoms and do not cure and in addition can cause dangerous side effects.

 In holistic professions such as chiropractic, nutritional deficiencies are included in the chemical side of the triangle.

 Malnutrition is an increasing problem due to refining of foods, addition of toxic chemicals, increase in pesticide use, dietary indiscretion and the depletion of the soil in which food are grown. Malnutrition is insidious in nature, often not resulting in a classic malnutrition disease but causing a general health loss.

 Along with physical examination and tests, nutritional supplements can be tested by having the patient chew the supplement and see if it is needed.

 Certain foods such as wheat or diary can also be tested to see if the food is harmful as in food allergies or sensitivity.

 Mental/Spiritual: We all know that a person’s mental attitude affects their health. A headache can precede a stressful situation such a job interview or a family gathering. A patient who suffers from chronic fatigue can start to believe that they will never get well and constantly sends negative impulses via their thoughts to their brain and nervous system causing a vicious cycle.

 Mood swings or depression can be the result of low blood sugar, low omega 3 fats, or too much of the wrong nutrition, for example.

 Postural changes such chronic tight trapezius muscles caused by stress can affect how well a person feels.

 The sides of the triad or equilateral triangle interact with each other. For example, when there is constant structural strain it can affect a person’s emotions. Emotions affect the normal digestion of the food a person eats or the person eats too much sweets due to their emotions. Due to this the chemical side of the triangle becomes involved and a nutritional deficiency develops which may develop into muscle weakness or spasm that increases the structural strain tus completing a vicious cycle.

 As a doctor of chiropractor and an applied kinesiologist, one can evaluate and treat all sides of the triangle. One can correct structure and nerve function to effect better support and control of a patient’s health. The triad of health can be tested via the patient’s own body to determine the effect. Emotional and anxiety reactions can be improved by positive feedback and emotional release techniques and with working with the other two sides of the triangles.

 The interplay between parts of the triangle affects many aspects of health and affects the ability of an holistic doctor to treat the WHOLE PERSON.

For information on examination in Applied Kinesiology: 


© 2014-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Muscles, Connective Tissue Between Organs Influence Illness

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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