Former Employer Dr Loretta French Has Retired

I have recently learned that Dr Loretta French has retired; I worked for Dr, French during my last two years as a chiropractic student back in the mid 1980’s.  Dr Loretta French had a chiropractic & applied kinesiology practice on 88th Street off Madison Ave.

 I learned from her how to intergrate Applied Kinesiology into a chiropractic examination, the importance of a complete orthopedic and neurological examination along with palpation and muscle testing and a history of the patient’s medical history.

And I improved my extremity adjustments with the many dancing students from the Mark Morris and Merce Cunningham dance groups that were referred to her with foot, knee and hip problems.

In short, I’m grateful for the many lessons learned in her office.

© 2020-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic./ NeuroKinetic Therapy practice at 230 W 13thSt., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page at my web site.

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Disc Problems: Part 1 – Disc Herniation – A NYC Chiropractor/ Applied Kinesiologist / NeuroKinetic Therapist Explains

Before we begin to talk about herniations; we need to talk about the structure and function of an intervertebral disc.

An intervertebral disc lies between adjacent vertebrae in the vertebral column. There are 23 discs in the human spine: 6 in the neck (cervical) region, 12 in the middle back (thoracic) region, and 5 in the lower back (lumbar) region. Each disc forms a fibrocartilaginous joint ( symphysis), it allows slight movement of the vertebrae, acts as a ligament to hold the vertebrae together, and functions as a shock absorber for the spine. 

Intervertebral discs consist of an outer fibrous ring, the annulus fibrosus  which surrounds an inner gel-like center, the nucleus pulposus. The annulus fibrosus consists of several layers  of tough fibrocartilage that can withstand compressive forces.  The nucleus of the disc acts as a shock absorber…think of it as a gliding ball moving in reaction to the movement of the vertebrae. For example as the spine flexes (bends forward) , the nucleus pulposus moves to the back or posterior of the disc absorbing the impact of the body’s activities and keeping the two vertebrae separated.


And as the spine extends , the gliding nucleus moves forward; bend sideways, the gel moves to the opposite side. You get the idea.

However what happens if the spine is “struck in a relatively immobile or restricted  position? That means that the nucleus pulposus is constantly in one location pushing up against the annulus fibers; and between the pressure from the nucleus and the increase of compressive forces from the abnormal spinal movement, the annulus fibers start to weaken. This allow part of the nucleus to protrude (and the fibers ) into either the spinal canal or up against a spinal nerve. This is called herniation or a bulging disc.


A spinal disc herniation  can happen during a trauma or a result of chronic abnormal spinal mechanics combined w/ poor posture.  Both the deformed annulus and the gel-like material of the nucleus pulposus can be forced laterally, or posterior, distorting local muscle function, and putting pressure on the nearby nerve. This can give the symptoms typical of nerve root entrapment. These symptoms can vary between parasthaesia (tingling), numbness, chronic or acute pain, either locally or along the area of the body served by the entrapped nerve (dermatome) and loss of muscle tone. 

The two most common areas of herniation are the cervical (neck) vertebrae and the lumbar (low back) vertebrae.  Please see below blogs for more information about problems with these regions.

Cervical Radiculitis – A NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist/NeuroKinetic Therapist Explains What It Is & How She Treats It

How a NYC Chiropractor /Applied Kinesiologist /NeuroKinetic Therapist Treats Sciatica

 There are varying degrees of herniation; sometimes there is rupture of the annulus fibers and some of the nucleus pulposus escapes into the spinal canal and the area of the spinal cord. This is called a noncontained extrusion, which sometimes requires a surgical correction.

The degree of herniation requires visualization via MRI. However abnormal findings on MRI do not necessary relate to degree of symptoms; in fact, a number of MRI’s done on asymptomatic volunteers showed various herniations.

A proper examination with orthopedic and neurological testing will show at what spinal nerve level does the pain originates from. Muscle testing will show if an imbalance of muscle pull is affecting the spine and the patient’s posture.

The Importance of a Proper Chiropractic Examination – A NYC Chiropractor’s/Applied Kinesiologist’s Take

The Use of Applied Kinesiology in a Chiropractic Examination

How a Combination of Applied Kinesiology, NeuroKinetic Therapy and Chiropractic Works

I use a table that provides flexion distraction and spinal decompression; biomechanically it can open the disc space  by 28%; allowing for a gentle reversal of the herniation. This table and SOT non-force adjustments produce rapid improvement.

Low Back Pain & Non Force Adjustments/SOT Blocking: A NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist/NeuroKinetic Therapist Explains

As the patient improves, symptoms such as pain or numbness will decrease, orthopedic and neurological tests will go from positive to negative and the muscles will test strong and balanced.

Think you may have a herniation problem? Please give me a call at 212-431-3724 or email me at 

And lets talk and see if I can help you.



© 2019-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic./ NeuroKinetic Therapy practice at 230 W 13thSt., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page at my web site.

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Fibromyalgia: Thoughts About It by a NYC Chiropractor / Applied Kinesiologist/ Neurokinetic Therapist/

Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain and sensitivity to touch along with fatigue, problems with sleep and memory and brain fog, People diagnosed with fibromyalgia also often suffer from anxiety, chronic fatigue, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, migraine and tension headaches, painful bladder disorder and TMJ (jaw pain).

According to the Mayo Clinic, “Fibromyalgia can’t be easily confirmed or ruled out through a simple laboratory test. You can’t detect it in your blood or see it on an X-ray. .Because there is no test for fibromyalgia, we must rely solely on your group of symptoms to make a diagnosis.” 

However other blood tests can be taken to rule out conditions like auto -immune, thyroid dysfunction, anemia, viral or bacterial infection, nutritional deficiencies  etc.

One of the first things I look at is the patient’s diet/lifestyle: are they eating processed foods, soda,etc.;drinking enough water;  have a history of medications or antibiotics; are they taking the wrong supplements (too little- too much); do they have  food allergies or intolerance?

It’s not a Food Allergy; maybe it’s a Food Intolerance

I would suspect a leaky gut syndrome and the need to change the person’s diet, test them for allergies/intolerance (igE/IgG)  and ileo-cecal problems and the need for prebiotics and probiotics and other supplements to help repair their gut.

A NYC Applied Kinesiologist on Your Ileo-Cecal Valve (& Houston’s) & Your Health

The Correct Use of Muscle Testing in Nutritional Evaluation in Applied Kinesiology

As a Applied Kinesiologist, I test for the function of individual muscles. Are they weak or strong.? The questions to be asked are: why is the muscle weak? Is the muscle on the other side hypertonic or “too stronger.”

As a NKT practitioner, I ask “Is there a dysfunction in the coordination of muscles working in patterns?” I would identify muscle imbalances by using muscle testing to determine what muscles are inhibited and what muscles are compensating (facilitating)for them.

Are these factors causing the muscles to be sensitive to touch?

Is there a problem with the vascular or lymphatic drainage of that muscle?

 I might use neuro-lymphatic , neuro-vascular points and acu-points to increase lymphatic, blood and chi energy to organs and muscles.

How an Applied Kinesiologist Uses Neuro Lymphatics to Improve Health

How a NYC Applied Kinesiologist Uses Neurovascular Pts for Better Physical and Emotional Wellbeing.

Using AK techniques, the flow of energy in the meridians to the organs and muscles can be evaluated and corrected if out of balance. Correction can be made by many methods of stimulation, such as electrical,  small tape patches with metal balls, or simply by mechanically stimulating certain spots.  There is usually an immediate improvement in muscle/organ function after meridian balancing.

 Is there a problem with the cranial-sacral system? The purpose of the movement of the cranial-sacral system  is to aid the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid throughout the central nervous system.

Some have suggested that CSF flow along the cranial nerves and spinal nerve roots allow it into the lymphatic channels. Restoring normal cranial-sacral rhythm enables the body to function optimally and may alleviate a wide variety of painful and dysfunctional conditions within the body.

Cranial Sacral Therapy in Applied Kinesiology

Is the patients under chronic stress? Can I help this patient w/ stimulation of their adrenals or with certain supplements?

Is the patient using their diaphragm correctly to order to  get enough oxygen to their body? Stimulation of the diaphragm via spinal adustment and neuro-vasular/neuro-lymphatic/acu-points are done. Patient is taught how to use their diaphragm to get more oxygen into their system.

Can the patient tolerate gentle exercise like chi gong which is is a form of gentle exercise composed of movements that are repeated a number of times, often stretching the body, increasing fluid movement (blood, synovial and lymph) and building awareness of how the body moves through space.?

As a chiropractor, I can use non-force adjustments. It provides a gentle force into the spine of the patient through a very carefully directed and controlled pressure. This method is performed to be able to restore a stronger position and motion to fixated spinal joints taking pressure off the nerves exiting the spinal vertebrae which control the muscles and organs of the body.

These are some of the questions that need to addressed w/ the the complex problem of fibromyalgia; each patient is different and their needs must be addressed.



 © 2018-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

 Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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Cervical Radiculitis – A NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist/NeuroKinetic Therapist Explains What It Is & How She Treats It

Cervical radiculitis is when there is damage to the nerve roots of the cervical spine (C4 to T1) causing pain and loss of sensation or muscle weakness  or numbness along the pathway of the peculiar nerve into the shoulder or arm or hand or chest depending on which nerve root pathway is involved.

These pathways are also called dermatomes; see below.


Damage to cervical nerve roots occasionally due to some abnormality or defect in the cervical spine resulting in compression of the nerve roots. Some of the abnormalities that cause nerve root impingement at the vertebrae level are disc herniation, disc bulging , formation of bone spurs and a condition called spondylolisthesis  where one vertebra slips forward onto the below vertebra.

Other causes of disc/nerve root compression may be persistent  subluxation of vertebrae or fixation of a group of vertebra. These can be a result of poor posture or an injury such as head trauma or whiplash.

The Subluxation/Spinal Joint Dysfunction

Adding to these problems is the imbalance of surrounding musclature ; for example it is common to find the relationship between the neck flexors and  neck extentors to be completely dysfunctional.

After the orthopedic & neurological tests to find if there is disc compression and which nerve root pathway (dermatone) is affected, a testing of neck, shoulder,chest and arm muscles is d one.  Are there weak muscles?.  Is there a relationship between these weak muscles and other muscles that may be overworking.  Are there muscles that  need to be “turned off” and others need to be actiovated; I can use muscle spindles & golgi  tendons to do this. .

How a Combination of Applied Kinesiology, NeuroKinetic Therapy and Chiropractic Works

Neuro-lymphatic and  neuro-vascular pints are worked on to increase lymph and blood flow to affected muscles.

How an Applied Kinesiologist Uses Neuro Lymphatics to Improve Health

How a NYC Applied Kinesiologist Uses Neurovascular Pts for Better Physical and Emotional Wellbeing.

Any bilaterally weak muscles would point to  fixation of 2 or more vertebra and need to be corrected accordingly .

Spinal Pain Not Being Helped? See An Applied Kinesiologist; It May Be A Fixation

Palpation of the spine to find vertebrae lacking movement (subluxation) is done and I muscle test to find the correct corrective vector for the adjustment

The patient is given stretches  for the overactive muscles and exercises for the weak muscles , posture esp head position is reviewed.

Copyright – 2018-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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After this



The Cervical & Vagus Nerve Connection?! – A NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist/NeuroKinetic Therapist Explains

I’ve been pondering the possible connection between the Cervical nerve and the Vagus nerve.

The Vagus nerve is the tenth cranial nerve or CN X, and interfaces with parasympathetic control of the heart, lungs, and digestive tract. The Vagus nerve supplies motor parasympathetic fibers to all the organs (except the adrenal glands), from the neck down to the second segment of the transverse colon. The Vagus also controls a few skeletal muscles in the neck or cervical area. The Vagus nerves are paired; however, they are normally referred to in the singular. It is the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system.

The first and second cervical nerves are responsible for innervation of the head, face, inner middle ear, sinuses, eyes, upper neck, auditory nerves and other areas. The cervical nerves C3-C7 bear the responsibility of innervating the neck, shoulders, thyroid, teeth, tonsils, outer ear, nose, mouth, vocal cords, and more, with some of their individual responsibilities outlined below. The fourth cervical nerve innervates the thoracic diaphragm, leading to the creation of the surgical mnemonic “Cut C4, breathe no more.”

The Vagus Nerve (also known as the “wandering nerve”) exits the upper cervical spine and descends down to the heart and the stomach and the rest of the digestive system. We know of cases where severe massage of the neck muscles affects digestion and respiration.

The Vagus nerve travels along the side of the cervical vertebrae; fibers of the cervical nerves and the vagus innervate similar neck muscles. Misalignment of the upper cervical vertebrae affects the nerves that innervate those muscles. A biofeedback can affect the Vagus.

A relatively new patient made me ponder this possible connection: he had fallen on his head 30 yrs ago. He complained of neck pain, gall bladder pain, low back pain, walking dis-ease, excessive hunger (drinks lots of veggie and fruit juices). He looked emaciated, held his head forward and his shoulders elevated. His X-rays show facet problems w C1-2 vertebra and a slipping forward of C2 on C3; he admits that he self-adjusts his neck.
On examination, found a bilateral weak psoas (a muscle involved in walking) which suggests a fixation of the occipital bone and C1 vertebrae and then also a fixation of C2 and C3.

I found abnormal sacral movement- a Sacral Wooble, released the erector spinal muscles, adjusted two cranial bones and  worked on acu-points for gall bladder, spleen and liver as well as lymphatic points
His neck’s range of motion is better and walking is not uncomfortable.
Gave instructions on how to track his head back without elevating his chin and told him to stop adjusting his own neck. My dietary advice was to stop juicing and eat solid veggies and more protein.
I emailed him  a youtube video on how to hold his head and another one on the dangers of self-adjustment.

That night and the next 2 days I get emails saying that though he thought I didn’t do a lot; he was not hungry and he had two really good bowel movements and his breathing and his voice is stronger. He was looking forward to his next visit.

Forward lean is a  constant problem with texting, working at a computer and just bad posture. Note that the doctor in the first video mentions that more forward lean, the more years of forward lean, the more medications the patient is on; more stress on cervical…more stress on Vagus?/…more problems w/ organ function.?!!. 

Copyright – 2017-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Vagal Neurons: New findings in the gut-brain connection

The Spinal Nerve / Autonomic Nerve Connection – A NYC Chiropractor/ Applied Kinesiologist / NeuroKinetic Therapist Explains

Muscles, Connective Tissue Between Organs Influence Illness 




Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

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Did Shingles Pain Cause a Shift in Body Position and Structural Pain?: A NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist/NeuroKinetic Therapist Explains

A young patient who I hadn’t seen in a while came in complaining of rt “scalene” pain (her words for neck pain) and rt upper back pain by the shoulder blade. She thinks it may be a rib out. Visualization showed a slight “tipping” (not a winging) of the shoulder blade.

Then she mentions that she had a mild case of shingles on her rt hip and the shingles predated the neck & mid back pain .

First I found that her SCM was overworking for a weak mid scalene. The SCM was released and the clavicle was adjusted and the pect minor was released in combination with the SCM.

Second I tested her rhomboids and serratus anterior; the scapula tipping was the clue. The serratus ant was overworking for a weak rhomboid.

Third a rt gluteus maximus was overworking for a weak rt. psoas and a weak rt. gluteus medius.

A pelvic category 1 was corrected as well as rt thoracic and cervical subluxations were adjusted.

There is a theory of Anatomy Trains on how patterns of muscle,  fascia and muscle strain communicate through the myofascial ‘webbing’, contributing to postural compensation and movement stability.

An example of this is when you are reaching for something on a table, you don’t just use your hand, arm and shoulder but your whole body from your head muscles down to your foot muscle reacts to stabilize your position in space as you reach.

A major insight may be that the lateral rt. side of her body may have reacted to the pain of the shingles by moving inwards in order not to stretch the lesion area rather than moving away from it which in turn affected her structure via muscle pull and strain.

  For more information:

How a Combination of Applied Kinesiology, NeuroKinetic Therapy and Chiropractic Works

© 2017-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

 Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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Looking At Posture As A Clue To Helping Patients – A NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist/NKT Practitioner Explains

Two weeks ago, a relatively new patient who has been to other chiropractors paid me a compliment by saying that I was “unlike other chiropractors, I think about what is happening and what I need to do.”

One of the things I look at is posture. How does the patient present as they stand in front of me?

The other question that is relative to their posture is: How did they get that posture? Was there an accident where they were, for example, thrown forward and had to catch themselves when their bus suddenly stopped. What position was their body in? Hands forward? Head turned?

Postural findings may be due to muscular inhibition either as individual muscles or as a group of muscles that work together to do a certain movement

Or they may be due a compensating muscle inhibiting a muscle

Are the involved muscles hypotonic or hypertonic?

Or has a problem with their foot, for example, caused muscles to get inhibited or to compensate up the length of their body causing further joint and spinal pain?


Here are some examples of muscles that may be involved in postural findings:

  • High Occiput – upper trapezius, neck flexor/extensor, gluteus medius, SCM, rectus capitus
  • Head rotation – latissimus, gluteus medius, lower trapezius
  • High Shoulder – opposite upper trapezius, quadratus lumborum
  • Low Shoulder – quadratus lumborum, latissimus
  • Elevated Ribs – rectus abdominal, oblique abdominals, quadratus lumborum
  • Lumbar deviation – psoas, lumbar erectors, multifidus, gluteus medius/maximus, tfl
  • High pelvis – sartorious, quadratus lumborum, hamstrings
  • Genu Valgus (Knock Knee) – TFL, gluteus max, adductors
  • Genu Varus (Bowed Knee) –adductor, popliteus, hamstrings

I use manual muscle testing to see if the muscles are hypotonic or hypertonic or inhibited by a compensating muscle.

I also look to see if there is a problem with the alignment of the joint the muscles cross or the vertebrae involved in the spinal innervation of the involved muscles.

For more detailed information, please check out the following blogs:



© 2016-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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A NYC Chiropractor Talks About The Triad of Health In Applied Kinesiology

 There are three factors involved when we talk about restoring or maintaining health, it is a triad symbolized by an equilateral triangle. If one side of the triangle is ignored, health is diminished and can lead to a significant health problem.


 As a doctor of chiropractic using applied kinesiology to evaluate body function, I have a special interest in carefully observing all side of this triangle so that a patient can be evaluated and treated successfully.

The three parts of this equilateral triangle or triad are Structure, Chemical and Mental.


 Structure: Chiropractic is the major healing profession dealing with the triad’s structural base. Chiropractors using applied kinesiology not only deal with the spine but also with the joints and muscles of the body.

 Structural changes (especially of the spine) may compromise the spaces that nerves must transverse, causing nerve entrapment. Nerves are a major form of communication in the body; muscles, organs and glands may not function correctly if there is nerve entrapment. Lymphatic flow and vascular flow can also be entrapped. Body pain and numbness, lack of energy, general malaise, decreased immune and organ function are possible signs of a problem with nerve, lymphatic or vascular flow that started with a structural problem. Muscle weakness and imbalance can increase the structural instability which is compromising nerve, lymphatic and vascular flow, thus forming a vicious circle.

 Chemical: The allopathic medical profession attempts to control body dysfunction via prescription drugs; unfortunately most drugs only mask symptoms and do not cure and in addition can cause dangerous side effects.

 In holistic professions such as chiropractic, nutritional deficiencies are included in the chemical side of the triangle.

 Malnutrition is an increasing problem due to refining of foods, addition of toxic chemicals, increase in pesticide use, dietary indiscretion and the depletion of the soil in which food are grown. Malnutrition is insidious in nature, often not resulting in a classic malnutrition disease but causing a general health loss.

 Along with physical examination and tests, nutritional supplements can be tested by having the patient chew the supplement and see if it is needed.

 Certain foods such as wheat or diary can also be tested to see if the food is harmful as in food allergies or sensitivity.

 Mental/Spiritual: We all know that a person’s mental attitude affects their health. A headache can precede a stressful situation such a job interview or a family gathering. A patient who suffers from chronic fatigue can start to believe that they will never get well and constantly sends negative impulses via their thoughts to their brain and nervous system causing a vicious cycle.

 Mood swings or depression can be the result of low blood sugar, low omega 3 fats, or too much of the wrong nutrition, for example.

 Postural changes such chronic tight trapezius muscles caused by stress can affect how well a person feels.

 The sides of the triad or equilateral triangle interact with each other. For example, when there is constant structural strain it can affect a person’s emotions. Emotions affect the normal digestion of the food a person eats or the person eats too much sweets due to their emotions. Due to this the chemical side of the triangle becomes involved and a nutritional deficiency develops which may develop into muscle weakness or spasm that increases the structural strain tus completing a vicious cycle.

 As a doctor of chiropractor and an applied kinesiologist, one can evaluate and treat all sides of the triangle. One can correct structure and nerve function to effect better support and control of a patient’s health. The triad of health can be tested via the patient’s own body to determine the effect. Emotional and anxiety reactions can be improved by positive feedback and emotional release techniques and with working with the other two sides of the triangles.

 The interplay between parts of the triangle affects many aspects of health and affects the ability of an holistic doctor to treat the WHOLE PERSON.

For information on examination in Applied Kinesiology:

© 2014-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Muscles, Connective Tissue Between Organs Influence Illness

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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The Basics of Applied Kinesiology

Applied kinesiologists use the following skills:

As some of you know, Muscle Testing is a basic in AK. When you test a muscle, you test not only the condition of the muscle itself, but the joint it crosses or moves, the spinal innervations of that muscle, the Chinese meridian (acupuncture energy line) associated w/ that muscle and the organ associated w/ that Chinese meridian and some cranial-sacral faults.

The Art and Science of Muscle Testing in Applied Kinesiology

Challenge is an essential diagnostic procedure used to determine the body’s ability to cope with external stimuli, which can be physical, chemical, or mental.  An example of a physical challenge is pushing on a skeletal joint to determine an irritation that produces a muscle strength change. Chemical challenge may occur when one inhales potentially toxic chemicals or chews nutritional factors.  Mental challenge includes thought processes, either pleasant or unpleasant to the individual. After an external stimulus is applied, muscle-testing procedures are done to determine a change in the muscle strength as a result of the stimulus.

Therapy localization is another diagnostic procedure in AK that consists of placing the patient’s hand over areas of suspected involvement, then using muscle testing procedures to determine any change in strength. Placing the patient’s hand on different locations stimulates nerve endings and/or possibly changes the patient’s electromagnetic energy field. Therapy localization is strictly a diagnostic tool in AK that is to be combined with the other diagnostic findings to arrive at a final conclusion.

Nutritional evaluation in AK is done as part of your total examination. The muscle test is used to confirm the other findings your doctor will use from laboratory testing, nutritional diaries, blood and saliva testing, and your history. Evaluation of nutritional products and foods by using taste to determining how your body reacts to them, as observed by MMT(manual muscle testing) , is an important addition to providing optimal nutritional support for patients who need it.

For more information on  nutritional evaluation, please read:

testing nl

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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