Medical Articles of Interest for December 2016

Gut Microbiome Again Linked to Parkinson’s Symptoms

High Dietary Magnesium Intake Tied to Less Stroke, Diabetes, Heart Failure

Muscle Strength Gains Linked to Better Brain Function

Gastric Acid Blockers Boost Risk of Iron Deficiency

The Gut–Brain Connection

Statin Use Linked to Increased Parkinson’s Risk

Chronic Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors Increases Heart Risk

Selenium Supplement Role Unclear in Autoimmune Thyroiditis

Sauna Use Linked to Lower Dementia, Alzheimer’s Risk


Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

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A NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist Posts a Case History Using both AK & Neuro-Kinetics

As you may know, I’m working on perfecting my recent knowledge of a technique called neuro kinetics and incorporating it into my chiropractic and applied kinesiology practice.

What applied kinesiology and neuro kinetics have in common is muscle testing and therapy localization. 

In the latter therapy localization (TL), the patient will either place their hand or finger on specific points, a vertebrae or another muscle and the doctor retests the previous weak or inhibited muscle to see if the weakness is corrected.

In neuro kinetics, the patient either touches a muscle or actively contracts the strong muscle that may be compensating for a inhibited muscle or set of muscles.

Female 50’s 1 wk ago sat in a small chair that only supported her “rt. cheek” resulting in lt. low back pain. Tested bilateral psoas/ tensor fasciae latae (TFL) /transverse abdominal (TVA)/ rectus abdominal (RA) /quadratus lumborum (QL)/hamstring/gluteus max….weak (W) or inhibited bilateral QL/ lt. glut max….patient therapy localizies rt. hamstring…..bilateral QL/lt. gluteus maximus now test strong …rt hamstring was facilitating muscle …… treat rt hamstring w/ spindle/golgi tendon work( an AK technique)…retest lt glut max/bilateral QL for “neural lock” which sends a message to the brain to start activating the previous inhibited muscle.

I then use chiropractic/applied kinesiology technique to correct the following: patient had a category 1 pelvis- patient’s torso is torquing opposite the upper body, (–Sacro-Occipital-Technique-SOT.aspx?id=00002910) and  irritation of lt illiolumber ligament which connects 5th lumbar and pelvis , and irritation of lt sacro-tuberous ligament which connects bottom of sacrum to lower pelvis, adjust the torque of the 4th lumbar. Two cranial sutures were adjusted that go along with a category 1 pelvis.

Exercises for QL &  gluteus max are given.

© 2015-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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Seminar I’ll Be Taking May 16th: The Gluten, Leaky Gut, Autoimmune Connection

Dear Patients & Friends:
As many as you may know, Doctors of Chiropractic are required to take continuing education credits.

This May 16th, I’ll be taking a seminar on The Gluten, Leaky Gut, Autoimmune Connection. This seminar will update my current knowledge of this subject.

This in-depth 1-day course will cover various aspects of gluten sensitivity and autoimmunity to broaden your understanding of the most common autoimmune reactions found in the gluten-sensitive population. The symptoms and signs of these reactions will also be discussed.

How autoimmunity affects tissues of the cerebellum, skin, reproductive system, parietal cells, pancreas, etc, will be explored. Furthermore, seminar participants will learn clinical strategies for history taking, examining, and selecting and reading the proper laboratory tests.

Topics include:

The most common clinical presentations of autoimmunity in the gluten-sensitive population

The immunological concepts of food cross-reactivity and loss of self-tolerance
Clinical jewels and insights
For a list of past seminars, please check out:
Click here: A NYC Chiropractor /Applied Kinesiologist and Her Continuing Education | Dr. Vittoria Repetto’s Blog:

Dr. Vittoria Repetto
Since 1987, helping people feel better – naturally
Doctor of Chiropractic & Applied Kinesiologist

Therapies Offered:
Spinal, Extremity & Jaw (TMJ) Adjustments
Cranial-Sacral Therapy
Chinese Five Element Energy /Acupressure Therapy
Organ Lymphatic & Vascular Reflexes
Muscle Balancing
Emotional Balancing
Nutritional Consultation

Treatments are one hour. You’re not a number on an assembly line!

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page at my web site.

455 W.23rd St. #1E
New York, N.Y.10011
212 – 431 – 3724
Facebook page:

Testimonial From A Friend w/ Gall Bladder Problems That I Helped

Vittoria – so I think you remember, and I want to THANK YOU for all your advice regarding gall bladder cleaning – I want to post about this too on Facebook and thank you, if that is OK – I had the six month followup on my gall bladder – and while I am not 100% clean, my doctor said he had never seen such rapid improvement – which he said had to be the diet on top of the Ursodial medicine – the scans are just incredible – from a gall bladder full of sludge and stones, to one with such a scattering of tiny sparkles, remnants of what was there and no edema or wall swelling and no issues with the bile ducts – I am still going to continue with ursodial another 6 months at least, and of course, olive oil, artichoke, healthy fats, mostly vegetarian and fish – but really the changes are incredible and what should take two years, took about 6 months – really thank you – Mike

New Patient Testimonial for a NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist

The following was posted the early March by a patient of mine, Cheryl S. at a private website and she gave me permission to repost it.

I can vouch for Dr. Repetto! She’s been my chiropractor for about six years, and she just worked magic on an old injury.

I had to have surgery to reconstruct my shattered pelvis after a very serious accident in 2011. My surgeon warned me at the time that I would lose feeling on the front of my thigh because they would have to sever a nerve serving that skin. While I’m profoundly grateful to have regained 100% of my strength and range of motion, I’ve been mourning the loss of sensation in that large area ever since.. Damn!

I just had to have yet another surgery related to that same accident and I’ve had some concerns about post surgery nerve function in a muscle group adjacent to the numb skin on my thigh. I asked Dr. Repetto to check it out, and she also did some work on the numb area. I’m thrilled and astounded to be able to say that after she treated me the other night I seem to have suddenly regained sensation in a large portion of the numb skin area! Honestly, that should have been impossible. I don’t have full sensation yet. It’s kind of tingly, but I have another appointment with Dr. Repetto next week. Crossing fingers. It would be magical to regain that area.

Cheryl S.


 For more patient testimonials, please read

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice at 455 W 23rd St., NYC 10011; please go to

You can also check out the Patient Testimonials at the “Our Practice” page at the web site.

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Dr. Vittoria Repetto Selected as a Top Chiropractor in NYC

Yesterday I received a letter stating that I had been selected as a Top Chiropractor in NYC by the International Associaton of Chiropractors (IAC) and I would be spotlighted in the renowned publication The Leading Physicans of the World.

The IAC highlights and profiles the world’s Top Chiropractors. The Association has been designed to spotlight physicans that have demonstated success and leadership in their profession.

© 2014-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice at 455 W 23rd St., NYC 10011; please go to

 And please check out the Patient Testimonials at the “Our Practice” page at the web site.

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NOTE: Any ads not related to Dr. Vittoria Repetto that appear below this blog are not authorizied by Dr. Repetto.

How a NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist/NeuroKineticTherapy Practitioner Treats Migraine Headaches

Are you having intense throbbing or a pulsing sensation in one area of your head and experiencing nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

Does your headache last for hours to days and is it so severe that all you can think about is finding a dark, quiet place to lie down.

Then it a good bet that you are suffering from a migraine headache.

Some find that their migraine is preceded or accompanied by sensory warning symptoms (aura), such as flashes of light, blind spots, or tingling in your arm or leg.

Unfortunately a lot of migraine sufferers take pharmaceuticals which only work 50% of the time, only that mask symptoms and cause side effects which include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, liver toxicity, muscle weakness and an increased risk of strokes and heart attacks.


In my practice, I have work with numerous people affected by migraines and I use a combination of holistic therapies to give my patients relief from their migraines.

In my practice, I have found some of the causes to be

  • Cervical and Cranial Misalignment/Malfunction
  • Neck Muscle Imbalances – Facilitating ones compensating for inhibited/weak ones
  • TMJ – Jaw joint & muscle imbalances
  • Stress
  • Liver toxicity
  • Food allergies/ Intolerances
  • Imbalance in Organ and Vascular Function
  • Nutritional Deficiencies such as Magnesium, B complex vitamins, Vitamin D and CoQ10

A lot of migraine sufferers have a combination of these causal factors.

In my practice, I check for upper cervical mis-alignments which can irritate nerves to the head and refer painful impulses.

Jammed cranial sutures can also affect both cranial and cervical nerves and the muscles of the head and cause pain.

Poor posture can cause cervical and cranial problems and therefore a patient’s posture is addressed and corrected.

Neck, shoulder and jaw muscles are tested for imbalances where facilitated muscles are compensating for inhibited muscles or where hypo-tonic  or hyper-tonic muscles affect the alignment of the spine,jaw or skull.

Organ and vascular mis-function (not pathology), food allergies, intolerances, and liver toxicity can affect the processes of organs to work efficiently, decrease blood flow, affect the immune response and increase toxics in the body.

I use neuro-lymphatics and neuro-vascular pts and acupressure pts to increase the function and energy of the body.

I can also use these points to help the patient deal with stress and also suggest lifestyle changes to help them cope with the cause of their stress

I check to see if the patient is eating foods that aggravate their migraine symptoms; these can include food allergies and intolerances such as gluten or dairy. Allergies and intolerances create problems in your gut and increase toxicity in the body.

I encourage patient to only eat whole, natural un-processed fresh foods and get rid of artificial sweeteners, foods with high fructose corn syrup and other additives.

A lot of migraine sufferers befit from nutritional supplementation and a liver detox to increase body function

For more information on migraines, please see

If you suffer from migraines, please think about being treated with the combination of the above holistic therapies give me a call at 212-431-3724 to make an appointment.

© 2014-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Revision: ©2016 – Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials on my web site.

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Findings Fortify Low Riboflavin, Migraine Link

TMJ Problems (Jaw Problems) and How A Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist/NeuroKineticTherapy Practitioner Handles the Problem

Temporomandibular Joint problems(TMJ) or jaw pain occur mainly as a result of an imbalance  with the joint and surrounding facial muscles that control chewing and moving the jaw.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge joint that connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the temporal bone of the skull, which is immediately in front of the ear on each side of your head.

The joints are flexible, allowing the jaw to move smoothly up and down and side to side and enabling you to talk, chew, and yawn. Muscles attached to and surrounding the jaw joint control the position and movement of the jaw.

What Causes TMJ Problems?

  • Receiving a heavy blow or whiplash
  • Grinding or clenching the teeth, which puts a lot of pressure on the TMJ
  • Dislocation of the soft cushion or disc between the ball and socket
  • Presence of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis in the TMJ
  • Stress or Emotional Overload which can cause a person to tighten facial and jaw muscles or clench the teeth
  • Biting down on a hard and/or thick piece of food
  • Using jaw clenching to compensate for weak or inhibited muscles elsewhere

What Are the Symptoms of a TMJ Problem?

  • Pain or tenderness in the face, jaw joint area, neck and shoulders, and in or around the ear when you chew, speak, or open your mouth wide
  • Limited ability to open the mouth very wide
  • Jaws that get “stuck” or “lock” in the open- or closed-mouth position
  • Clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth or chewing
  • Difficulty chewing or a sudden uncomfortable bite
  • Swelling on the side of the face
  • May occur on one or both sides of the face

Other common symptoms of a TMJ problem can include digestive problems, toothaches, headaches, neck aches, dizziness, earaches, hearing problems, upper shoulder pain, and ringing in the ears (tinnitis).

Neurological influences of the temporomandibular joint

As a Applied Kinesiologist and Doctor Of Chiropractic, I look at the articulation of the joint itself and the pull of the muscles such as the Masseter, the Temporalis, the External Pterygoid and the Internal Pterygoid on the joint itself. Neck muscles, hyoid muscles  and upper back muscles also affect the TMJ. Are they in spasm? Are they weak?  Do they need muscle spindle or golgi tendon work?

As a NeuroKineticTherapy practitioner, I ask if some muscles are compensating (or overactive) for inhibited or weak muscles. “The jaw muscles can compensate for weakness in the grip, in the neck flexors, or in the hip flexors.”


As the TMJ is part of the skull, the cranial bones are checked for alignment; esp the occipital bone at the back of the head.

Subluxations of the occipital also are involved with upper cervical (neck) problems and therefore cervical subluxations are adjusted

And since the examining acupuncture pts. on the head shows us that a number of meridians associated with digestion such as the stomach, small intestine and large intestines cross the TMJ can affect digestion (digestion can affect the TMJ), checking acupunture pts., the neuro-lymphatic and neuro-vascular points for digestive organs need to checked to see if there is any connection.

head acupunture pts

Once all the above are checked, then a very gentle adjustment of the joint itself can done.; a number of adjustments may be needed to break the subluxated pattern and get the Jaw joint moving freely and pain and noise free.

If you believe you have a TMJ problem, please give my office at call at 212-431-3724 for an appointment.

© 2013-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

© Revised – 2016 – Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

 Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings?
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A NYC Chiropractor & Applied Kinesiologist Talks About Getting 1/2 of your Calcium From Food

If you have been following my blogs, you know that as a Doctor of Chiropractic and an Applied Kinesiologist I am interested in nutrition. In this blog, I am recommending that at least half of your calcium intake (daily intake – 900mg- 1200 mg) come from the food that you eat. Please see below for a listing of calcium in common foods.

There are reasons for this: one is that fresh unprocessed foods contain other minerals besides calcium like magnesium, potassium and boron that help form the collagen matrix lattice in your bones that the calcium attachs itself to.

These fresh foods like green leafy vegetables and yogurt contain Vitamin K; one of the functions of this vitamin is to keep calcium out of your joints and arteries. Other food like dairy products, eggs, fish contain Vitamin D which helps the calcium attach to the bone.

Please check out another blog Getting Enough Calcium Into Your Bones? Ten Facts You Need to Know!


In another blog, I talked about being careful about what kind of calcium is in your supplements as some calcium supplements can prevent absorption  of calcium, weaken your bones and create other health problems.

Please check out A NYC Chiropractor/ Applied Kinesiologist Talks About How Your Multi and/or Calcium Supplement May Be Causing Problems

Black beans 270
Chickpeas 300
Lentils 50
Lima beans 55
Pinto beans 257
Kidney beans 70
Split peas 22
Alfalfa sprouts 28
Artichoke 51
Asparagus 21
Broccoli 138
Cabbage 64
Cauliflower 26
Chard, Swiss 106
Collards 220
Dandelion greens 147
Eggplant 22
Greens, beet 14
Kale 174
Mustard greens 284
Okra 147
Potato, sweet -baked 46
Spinach – cooked 167
Spinach- raw 51
Watercress – raw 53
Hijiki 1400
Almonds – raw 332
Cashews 53
Hazelnuts 282
Sesame seeds 165
Tofu 128
Beef -ground -lean 54
Chicken – breast 39
Chicken – thigh 41
Duck 37
Lamb – shoulder 35
Turkey -light meat 36
Turkey – dark meat 36
Egg -1 large-hard 27
Mackerel-canned 388
Salmon-fresh 358
Salmon- canned 431
Tuna – canned-water 32
Cheese – gruyere/swiss 287
Milk – low fat 297
Milk – skim 302
Milk – whole 291
Ricotta 509
Yogurt-low fat 415


© 2013-Dr. Vittoria Repetto
Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page at the web site.

Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? Follow me at
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A NYC Chiropractor/Applied KInesiologist Posts Site About Sitting Correctly

Are you sitting wrong or sitting for too long? Since a lot of us have office jobs, we spent almost half our day sitting usually in a bad posture. Sitting can have an important impact on your health.

Posture is about keeping your spine aligned with its natural shape and curves and the equal pull on our spines by the spinal and back muscles. Bad posture can throw off your spine’s balance, allowing your body to be more prone to injury. In an average day common incorrect posture positions can change the balance of our spine and the back muscles.

When we slouch, the natural spinal curves are either reversed or exaggerated and this puts more stress on our spine and muscles. For example, if we hang our head and neck down, we increase the strain of the muscles balancing the weight of our head and increase the strain of the muscles holding our rib cage up. Some mucles become too tight and others too loose. Such an imbalance can lead to tension headaches, mid-back pains, neck pains and shoulder pains.

Similarly, low back pain can be caused by misalignment of the spine and unbalanced muscle pull on both the front , back and sides of our torso due to bad posture and habits.

Here is a website with a complete workshop helping you Sit Right when working. Back and neck pain are never comfortable. These guidelines will make your life more comfortable.

© 2013-Dr. Vittoria Repetto
Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials at the “Our Practice” page at the web site.

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