A NYC Chiropractor Recommends How to Do A Healthy Liver Detox.

A NYC Chiropractor Recommends How to Do A Healthy Liver Detox.

I have this big old liver spot on my left hand, it’s on Large Intestine point 4 and I’ve had it since I was 28 yrs old (I’m 60 now) and it is the result of a badly constructed “liver detox”

The liver detox was one involving drinking only apple juice and doing enemas for 3 days and we are still seeing this type of cleanse or detox in various reincarnations and they all involve depriving oneself of nutrients which does a lot more hurt than good.

Let me explain: the liver is the major way that our bodies remove toxins like heavy metals, industrial compounds and pollutants that can be associated w/ fatigue, muscle pain and weakness, cancer, headaches, nerve degeneration, headaches, rashes, loss of memory, etc.


The liver does this in two Phases; Phase 1 involves oxidation and Phase 2 involves conjugation.

Oxidation involves using oxygen and enzymes to turn a toxin (most toxins are fat-soluble) into a water-soluble substance so they can be more easily executed by the liver or kidneys. Foods that can help Phase 1 do its job are cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and kale, oranges, caraway seeds; nutrients that help are Vitamin C  & E , zinc, selenium and cooper  Milk thistle and members of the thistle family like artichokes help the Phase 1 process.

However the product of this Phase 1 can be even more toxic so the liver needs to process the Phase 1 via a Phase 2 process called conjugation. Conjugation involves combining the oxidized compounds w/ sulfur, amino acids (building block of protein) and organic acids  and  methylation  via Vitamin B12, choline & folic acid and generation of glutathione via N-acetylcysteine so  toxic products can be executed in the bile which then leaves the body via the large intestine.

Phase 2 is helped by adequate protein  as found in nuts, seeds, beans, meat, fish , eggs and dairy, alliums  as found in garlic, onions, citrus, cruciferous vegetables, bioflavonoids as found in peppers, celery, carrots oregano, rosemary, olive oil, pomegranates, and cruciferous vegetables.

Medium chain triglycerides, mono-unsaturated fats, Vitamin B1, B2, niacin, B5 and magnesium help with the energy production needed to perform these tasks

And of course, the body needs to have adequate fiber in order to move these toxins out of the body quickly before they are reabsorbed.

So you can see that water or juice fasts are harmful to the body as they deplete the body of the nutrients need for a healthy detoxification.

I now do  a “spring cleaning –liver detox” week in which only foods that are organic /glass fed, etc are eaten  and I add a liver support program that has all the Phase 1 and Phase nutrients (from Metagenics  https://drvittoriarepetto.metagenics.com/ultraclear that my liver needs  for detoxification.

For patients who have altered detoxification function may be due to genetic predisposition, a history of chronic nutrient insufficiency, and/or toxin overload, which can result in a build-up of stored toxins and a subsequent increase in symptoms and/or tissue damage, I recommend: https://drvittoriarepetto.metagenics.com/ultraclear-plus


And I know that I (or my patients) will not be getting any more big old liver spots from a badly constructed liver detox.

 © 2011-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

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 Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com

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