How a Combination of Applied Kinesiology, NeuroKinetic Therapy and Chiropractic Works

A patient comes in with a problem, maybe low back pain. Most chiropractors would figure out what vertebrae /spinal nerve is involved and then adjust the segments involved.

However what is missed is why did the problem happen and how can it be fixed so that it does not happen again.

First we need to look at the muscles innervated by the spinal segment

As a Applied Kinesiologist, I test for the function of individual muscles. For example, we may find the latissimus dorsi muscle weak; that is a muscle that internally rotates, extends and adducts the arm/ shoulder. It also attracts into the lumbar and sacral vertebra and part of the pelvic crest. The weakness may seen either as a higher shoulder on the weak side or a rotation of the lumbar vertebrae. The questions to be asked are: why is the muscle weak? Is the muscle on the other side hypertonic or “too stronger.”

Is there a problem with the vascular or lymphatic drainage of that muscle? Is there a problem with the cranial-sacral system?

Is there a Lovett Brother association where a twisting of the spinal meninges affects an upper vertebrae as well as a low back spinal segment.

As a NKT practitioner, I ask “Is there a dysfunction in the coordination of muscles working in patterns?”

Is the above mentioned latissimus dorsi inhibited by the muscles that attach to the shoulder like the upper or middle trapezius or the levator scapulae or is it compensating (facilitating) for weak or inhibited muscles like the gluteus maximus or the quadratus lumborum or core muscles, for example.

back muscles

Is the patient using their neck muscles in the movement of their low back?

NeuroKinetic Therapy works with the concept that movement is performed in systems or patterns. The human brain has an affinity toward habits.

NKT identifies muscle imbalances by using muscle testing to determine what muscles are inhibited and what muscles are compensating (facilitating)for them.

I would test the muscles involved in the problematic movement. After an inhibited/weak muscle is found, I would muscle test a synergistic (a helper muscle) or an antagonist muscle (an opposing muscle} which is strong/facilitated that may be affecting the inhibited muscle.

That facilitated muscle would be therapy localized (the muscle is either touched or put in motion) and the inhibited muscle retested. If the TL strengthens the inhibited muscle, then I know that the TLed muscle is affecting the inhibited muscle.

And I can use AK techniques to release the TLed muscle. The inhibited muscle is then retested which should test strong now, the retesting causes a “neural lock” which reprograms the motor control center in the brain.

After balance is restored to the muscles, the vertebrae  ( or extremity joint) are adjusted.

Stretches are given to the previously facilitated muscles and exercises given to the previously inhibited muscles in order to break the pattern that caused the problem.

For more detailed information, please click on the following blogs:


© 2016-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Yesterday, a woman from Chicago wrote me, “had thyroidectomy in August and my scar attached to muscles pulling my chest up when I was swallowing while applying lots of pressure to throat it has loosened up a bit but I feel that my hyoid bone might be dislocated or pulled down by muscles that was stitched too tight and adhered”
She asked me if exercise and stretches would help.
“No, you need to know what muscles are unbalanced”
There are 26 muscles in the neck–10 pairs of 2 and 2 sets of 3, to be precise. The neck muscles attach to various bones of the skull, spine, thoracic cage, and shoulder girdle.
You need to see a practitioner who knows how to muscle testing – a chiropractor who does applied kinesiology or neurokinetic therapy and fiqure out which are inhibited and which are hypertonic.
So I give her links on where to find a practitioner who could help her.
for more on possible clues in  this case:
© 2019-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Muscles, Connective Tissue Between Organs Influence Illness

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

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What is Applied Kinesiology & What It is Not – A NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist Explains

Applied Kinesiology (AK) can be defined as the clinical application of the study of movement and function; it is functional neurology.

AK is a system of testing and treatment that is used to assess the body’s functional aberrations.

These functional aberrations may be but not limited to:

    • Muscular
    • Neurological
    • Vascular
    • Osseous
    • Lymphatic
    • Respiratory
    • Digestive
    • Endocrine
    • Imbalance in the Chinese Meridian systems
    • Nutritional Problem


AK always uses specific muscles for testing in different areas of the body. When a weakness is found, the question that the AK doctor has to answer is why the weakness is there ; is it due to the muscle itself, the joints it connects to, it’s spinal innervation, or the organ or chinese meridian it is associated with or a problem in nutrition, etc.

Therapies to induce or restore individual normal function include but not limited to:

    • Chiropractic adjustive therapy
    • Cranial techniques
    • Therapeutic massage modalities
    • Reflex therapies
    • Acupuncture therapies
    • Exercise & stretches
    • Nutritional supplementation
    • Emotional support or modalities
    • Lifestyle changes

With the aim of decreasing cumulative noxious stimuli below threshold and allowing the body to heal itself.

AK does not replace standard examination procedures such as neurological and orthopedic testing, blood laboratory work or X-rays but rather it is another examination tool at the doctor’s disposal.

testing rectus femoris

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a continually evolving system that provides the doctor with the skills and knowledge to purposefully, systematically and logically ascertain the optimal treatment of the patient.

“Real” AK doctors are either listed at the website or have a diploma on their wall saying that they took the 100 hr AK course and passed the certification exam.

Applied Kinesiology Is Not:

Using multiple muscles at once for testing; as in using an outstretched arm.

Testing nutritional needs by holding bottles in your hand or placing pills on the skin.

Touch for health or any other forms of evaluation using muscle testing as a simple yes-no answer system.

Testing using mental telepathy.

A simplistic cookie cutter approach to treatment.

For more information:

Correlation of applied kinesiology muscle testing findings with serum immunoglobulin levels for food allergies

© 2015-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Muscles, Connective Tissue Between Organs Influence Illness


Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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A NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist Starts Adding Neuro Kinetic Therapy to the Mix

As some of you know I took the Level 1 seminar of Neuro Kinetic Therapy earlier this September.

While Applied Kinesiology looks mainly at balancing individual muscles, NKT works with the theory that that movement is performed in systems or patterns instead of individual muscles.

The human brain also has an affinity toward habits. Repetitive behaviors become patterns and these patterns require reprogramming when they become problematic (Faulty Movement Patterns).

NKT identifies muscle imbalances by using muscle testing to determine what muscles are inhibited and what muscles are compensating for them.

After an inhibited/weak muscle is found, I would muscle test a synergistic (a helper muscle) or an antagonist muscle (an opposing muscle) which is strong/facilitated that may be affecting the inhibited muscle. That facilitated muscle would be therapy localized (the muscle is either touched or put in motion) and the inhibited muscle retested. If the TL strengthens the inhibited muscle, then I know that the TLed muscle is affecting the inhibited muscle.

One can then use whatever techniques the practitioner knows in order to release the compensating muscle; in my case, I use the following AK techniques.

The inhibited muscle is then retested which should test strong now, the retesting causes a “neural lock” which reprograms the motor control center in the brain.

Corrective exercises to restore proper movement patterns and reprogram the motor control center can be given.

Here is an example in which I used a mix of AK & NKT:

A male patient came in with rt. low back/lumbar flank pain after sneezing in the shower; patient said that he was “unprepared for the sneeze.” He touches the area of his quadratus lumborum.

I first test the psoas; an important muscle for the low back which I always test in low back problems and a muscle which connects with the diaphragm muscle. 

I find the rt. QL and lt. psoas weak; I ask the patient to touch the sternum which is the neuro-lymphatic point for the diaphragm; the main breathing muscle involved in a sudden sneeze. I then retested the weak QL and psoas while patient is touching  (therapy localizing); they now test strong.

I then rub the neuro lymphatic pt. for the diaphragm and find a place on his rib that is tender and flailing out due to over contraction of the diaphragm and massage to get a release.

I then retest the QL and the psoas, they both test strong; the retesting created a “neural lock.” I then adjust the patient’s spine and pelvis. Corrective exercises are given.

© 2015-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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Chronic Inflammation and How Chiropractic & Applied Kinesiology Can Help.

First what is inflammation?

Acute inflammation is our body’s natural reaction to infection, trauma, irritants and other hurtful stimuli. Inflammation is an innate reaction that helps remove the hurtful stimulus out and starts the healing process. The signs of inflammation are pain, heat, redness and sometimes loss of function.

However inflammation becomes problematic when it becomes chronic. The body goes into a vicious cycle; creating more of an inflammatory response to get rid of the chronic problem which causes tissue damage and has dire consequences. This can be aggravated by certain foods and lifestyles; too enough sleep, too much stress, muscle/joint/spinal dysfunction, a diet full of processed nutrient – poor foods, overuse of prescription and OTC drugs, food allergies/intolerances, poor gut microbiology and leaky gut.

Chronic inflammation can also be the result of an autoimmune response where the immune system mistakes healthy tissue for unhealthy pathogens.

A lot of people don’t find out that they have chronic inflammation until they’re diagnosed with a disease that’s associated with it such as atherosclerosis, degenerative or herniated disc problems, celiac disease, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease and even cancer.

Some other signs include: high blood pressure, fatigue, skin problems, constipation or diarrhea, joint pain, shortness of breath and indigestion.


So it is important to help the body get rid of any chronic inflammation.

Chiropractic and applied kinesiology are some of the best tools you could ever ask for in the fight against chronic inflammation. Studies have shown that adjustments help reduce the production of two inflammatory cytokines, which can reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Here are 2 such studies: Tissue Damage Markers after a Spinal Manipulation in Healthy Subjects: A Preliminary Report of a Randomized Control  Changes in biochemical markers of pain perception and stress response after spinal manipulation.

As an applied Kinesiologist, I deal with increasing blood and lymphatic flow to the spine, muscles and joints and organs.

I can also assist patients in the fight against chronic inflammation in other ways too.

Chronic inflammation responds very well to lifestyle changes. I can advise how to begin an anti-inflammation diet. Vitamin D, Omega 3’s and magnesium as well as other supplements may also provide relief from chronic inflammation.

Eliminating food allergies or intolerances, improving helpful gut bacteria microbiology, improving leaky gut and fixing spastic intestinal valves are a big part of decreasing chronic inflammation.

Exercise, proper nutrition and regular chiropractic care can go a long way toward treating a variety of health problems, including chronic inflammation.

If you are suffering from chronic inflammation; please contact me at 212-431-3724 or at http://wwww,



© 2015-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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Lifestyle Modulation of AutoImmunity – A NYC Chiropractor’s/ Applied Kinesiologist’s Take

Adverse Mechanisms;

Increases Suppressor T cells & Promote Autoimmunity


  • Excess Stress
  • Compromised Spinal Function
  • Decreased Chi/Lymphatic/Vascular Flow
  • Physical Overtraining/ No Exercise
  • Processed & GMO Foods
  • Food Allergies & Intolerances 
  • Leaky Gut / Intestinal permeability
  • Lack of Sleep
  • Drops in blood glucose
  • Poor social relationships


Beneficial Mechanisms:

Increases Helper T cells & Natural Opioids & Dampens AutoImmunity


  • Love/ appreciation
  • Good Spinal Function
  • Good Chi/Lymphatic/Vascular Flow
  • Right Amount of Exercise
  • Fresh Organic Foods
  • Avoidance of Food Allergies & Intolerances
  • Prebiotics & Probiotics
  • Positive attitude
  • Adequate sleep
  • Stable blood glucose
  • Social/Physical interaction


© 2015-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice at 230 W 13rd St., NYC 10011; please go to

 And please check out the Patient Testimonials page at my web site.

 Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? Follow me at

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Bursitis: How a NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist/NeuroKineticTherapist Treats It.

First, what is a bursa (bursae)? A bursa is any small pouch or sac between tendons, muscles or bony joints at points of friction or stress which contains a very slippery synovial fluid which allows the two sides of the sac to slide freely.

The term “bursitis” is a combination of “bursa” and “itis,” a word termination meaning inflammation of the bursa. Bursitis is an inflammation of the lubricating membrane. The classic signs of inflammation are pain, heat, redness and swelling.

The most common bursae sites involved in bursitis are at the shoulder, elbow, hip joint, knee and heel.

Here’s an image of the shoulder bursa:


Bursitis can be caused by trauma, infection or crystal deposits. Trauma is the most common type; it usually develops from mechanical stress due to overuse, direct injury or muscle/joint misalignment.

Bursitis caused by trauma is usually what a doctor of chiropractic who uses applied kinesiology and neurokinetic therapy will see so I will confine my discussion to that type.

Repetitive activities as in sports or washing a floor on your knees are examples of overuse. Falling or hitting a joint can cause inflammation to the bursa.

Muscle/joint misalignment is often an overlooked but very common cause of bursitis; joints depend on the contraction of certain muscles that move the joint in the desired direction and the relaxation of opposing muscles.

Improper contraction or using the wrong set of muscles or the joint not being in the correct position to allow the correct contraction can cause a misalignment problem and stress the bursa and cause inflammation.

When a patient comes in with a bursitis problem, one of the first things that I do is test the surrounding muscles for any weaknesses or spasms as a muscle imbalance will affect the joint and the bursa.

In the case of shoulder bursitis, I ask  is there a dysfunction in the coordination of muscles working in patterns. Is the biceps or pectoralis major or trapezius   compensating (facilitating)  for weak or inhibited muscles like the deltoid or rotator cuff muscles , for example. or vice versa. Muscle imbalance can cause uneven pull or  misalignment of the joints that surround the bursa; causing inflammation of the bursa.

Weak muscles are strengthened and muscle spasms or compensating muscles are relaxed via spindle and golgi tendon work. Blood flow to the muscles is improved by working on neuro-vascular points and lymphatic flow.

The joint alignment is checked and any misalignment is corrected by adjustment of the joint.
For information on specific techniques, please read:

https:/e patient./

Adequate nutrition for repair and health of the bursa is discussed with the patient.

Sometimes chronic systemic inflammation in a patient requires improving the gut digestion as this can affect one’s joint.

Applications of ice decreases swelling and use of wet heat increases blood and lymph flow to promote healing.

Lifestyle changes are recommended; for example if one has to kneel for work, heel pads are suggested. And proper stretching and exercises are recommended to support the joint and the muscles crossing the bursa.

© 2015-Dr. Vittoria Repetto/revised – 2016

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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The Use of Applied Kinesiology in a Chiropractic Examination

In the chiropractic examination which includes orthopedic, neurological and spinal palpation, the addition of applied kinesiology and muscle testing adds an extra dimension of revealing the patient’s health status.

In the 1960’s, Dr George Goodheart found that muscle testing could be used in the evaluation of normal and abnormal body function. His examination soon included evaluation of the vascular and lymphatic system, nutrition, acupoint therapy, cranial movement and other factors that control health. He called this system based on the application of muscle testing: applied kinesiology.

Muscle testing is the first part of the applied kinesiological examination; muscles are tested in a specific manner in different areas of the body. When a weakness is found, the question that the chiropractic/AK doctor has to answer is why the weakness is there.

Is the weakness due to a spinal/nerve problem, a vascular problem, a problem with lymphatic function, a nutritional default, a problem with organ function or an acupoint associated w/ that muscle?


What treatment is needed to correct the problem and improve the patient’s health?

In the process of answering the question, the patient will either place their finger or hand on specific points or areas and the doctor retests the muscle to see if the weakness is corrected. This is called therapy localization.

If the therapy localization is positive and the area involved is the spine or a joint or a cranial fault,, the doctor will move the area in a way to stimulate neuro/mechano receptors in the joint or spine. This is called a “challenge’ and shows the direction of manipulation needed to improve function of the joint/spine and/or cranial movement.

Therapy localization is also used to evaluate if there is a problem w/ the vascular and lymphatic that supply the organs of the body or the meridian/acupoint system that are related to certain organ and muscle function.

In addition to the information from blood tests and examination of hair, eyes, skin, etc, an applied kinesiologist can use muscle testinng to “challenge” the supplements needed or the possibility of food allergies or intolerances that are affecting the patient’s health.

Therefore the addition of applied kinesiology combined with usual examination helps find what the problem is and how to correct it. The correction immediately improves muscle function and decreases the pain or the problem that the patient first came in with to the doctor.

On future visits, the above examination reveals if the corrections held and if the patient’s health is improving.

When health is restored , an applied kinesiologist uses these methods to maintain health and correct problems before they develop.

For information on specific techniques, please read:

© 2014-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic./ NeuroKinetic Therapy practice at 230 W 13thSt., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page at my web site.

Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? Follow me at
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Rotator Cuff Syndrome: How a NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist/NKT Practitioner Treats It

Symptoms of a Rotator Cuff Syndrome are pain and tenderness in the area of the shoulder and the scapula (shoulder blade) and the involved muscles and loss of movement in these joints. Sometimes the clavicle is involved also.

The primary muscles involved are the SITS muscles; supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and the subscapularis.


The secondary muscles of shoulder movement include (but not limited to) the latissmus dorsi, the rhomboid, the triceps, the trapezius, the pectoralis major (claviclar and sternal), the biceps and the deltoid.

The first thing that I do in my treatment of this problem is checking for problems in the tone are the above mentioned muscles; the muscles can be either hypo (too little) or hyper (too much). The spindle and golgi tendons are tested for involvement and adjusted according to what is needed. Please see

The neuro-vascular points for the muscles involved are worked on to improve blood flow to these muscles and the neuro-lymphatic points are also worked on to improve lymphatic flow which helps drains toxics from the muscle and increase fluid flow to the muscles. Please check out

I also check with neuro kinetic therapy to identify  muscle imbalances by using muscle testing to determine what muscles are inhibited and what muscles are compensating for them.

Then the shoulder joint, scapula and clavicle are checked for proper alignment and adjusted where needed.

Nerve flow to these muscles and joints is maximized by getting movement to the vertebrae areas of the lower cervical and upper thoracic

Proper nutrition and exercises for joint/ muscle movement/repair are given.



© 2014-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

© Revised – 2016 -Dr Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

 Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings?

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How a NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist/NeuroKineticTherapy Practitioner Treats Migraine Headaches

Are you having intense throbbing or a pulsing sensation in one area of your head and experiencing nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

Does your headache last for hours to days and is it so severe that all you can think about is finding a dark, quiet place to lie down.

Then it a good bet that you are suffering from a migraine headache.

Some find that their migraine is preceded or accompanied by sensory warning symptoms (aura), such as flashes of light, blind spots, or tingling in your arm or leg.

Unfortunately a lot of migraine sufferers take pharmaceuticals which only work 50% of the time, only that mask symptoms and cause side effects which include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, liver toxicity, muscle weakness and an increased risk of strokes and heart attacks.


In my practice, I have work with numerous people affected by migraines and I use a combination of holistic therapies to give my patients relief from their migraines.

In my practice, I have found some of the causes to be

  • Cervical and Cranial Misalignment/Malfunction
  • Neck Muscle Imbalances – Facilitating ones compensating for inhibited/weak ones
  • TMJ – Jaw joint & muscle imbalances
  • Stress
  • Liver toxicity
  • Food allergies/ Intolerances
  • Imbalance in Organ and Vascular Function
  • Nutritional Deficiencies such as Magnesium, B complex vitamins, Vitamin D and CoQ10

A lot of migraine sufferers have a combination of these causal factors.

In my practice, I check for upper cervical mis-alignments which can irritate nerves to the head and refer painful impulses.

Jammed cranial sutures can also affect both cranial and cervical nerves and the muscles of the head and cause pain.

Poor posture can cause cervical and cranial problems and therefore a patient’s posture is addressed and corrected.

Neck, shoulder and jaw muscles are tested for imbalances where facilitated muscles are compensating for inhibited muscles or where hypo-tonic  or hyper-tonic muscles affect the alignment of the spine,jaw or skull.

Organ and vascular mis-function (not pathology), food allergies, intolerances, and liver toxicity can affect the processes of organs to work efficiently, decrease blood flow, affect the immune response and increase toxics in the body.

I use neuro-lymphatics and neuro-vascular pts and acupressure pts to increase the function and energy of the body.

I can also use these points to help the patient deal with stress and also suggest lifestyle changes to help them cope with the cause of their stress

I check to see if the patient is eating foods that aggravate their migraine symptoms; these can include food allergies and intolerances such as gluten or dairy. Allergies and intolerances create problems in your gut and increase toxicity in the body.

I encourage patient to only eat whole, natural un-processed fresh foods and get rid of artificial sweeteners, foods with high fructose corn syrup and other additives.

A lot of migraine sufferers befit from nutritional supplementation and a liver detox to increase body function

For more information on migraines, please see

If you suffer from migraines, please think about being treated with the combination of the above holistic therapies give me a call at 212-431-3724 to make an appointment.

© 2014-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Revision: ©2016 – Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials on my web site.

Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? Follow me at

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Findings Fortify Low Riboflavin, Migraine Link

No Insurance, No Problem. Reasonable Rates with Dr. Repetto – NYC Chiropractor / Applied Kinesiologist

Hi!, I’m Dr. Vittoria Repetto, a native downtown New Yorker and Doctor of Chiropractor and an Applied Kinesiologist who has been in practice since 1987. And recently a Neuro Kinetic Therapy practitioner.

I treat the whole person, not just your symptoms. I know that balancing your structure, your biochemistry and your mental outlook all contribute to your well-being.

Each of my 75 minute long wellness sessions is unique and composed of interrelated holistic therapies that work together to achieve maximum benefits.

I am not affiliated with any insurance network.

If I belonged to a network I would have to see patients in an assembly line fashion (10-15 minutes). I would not be able to take time to, for example, balance the muscle pull on your spine or extremities or to do cranial sacral work or acupressure work or talk to you about your nutritional needs or suggest exercises or lifestyle changes related to your condition.

Therefore I ask that my patients pay me directly and I fill out their insurance claim form and they get reimbursed by their insurance company if they are allowed to go “out of network” by their policy.

I charge $150 for the initial visit which includes consultation, examination and treatment and the $120 for the following visits.

The fees for my practice are moderate by New York City standards; most doctors offering similar therapies charge $ 200 to $300 for their visits and spend less time on each visit .

My fees can be paid in cash and check (no credit cards). Payment is expected at the time of service..

Services include:

  • Spinal Manipulation
  • Extremity Manipulation
  • Jaw (TMJ) Manipulation
  • NeuroKinetic Therapy
  • Cranial – Sacral Work
  • Chinese Five Element Energy /Acupressure Therapy
  • Organ Vascular & Lymphatic Therapy
  • Muscle Balancing
  • Emotional Balancing
  • Stress Reduction
  • Galvinic Therapy
  • Nutritional Consultation

Because of my Whole Person approach to wellness, I have helped patients with both short-term problems and long-term unresolved problems become free of their complaints.

And because I spend a good deal of time with you and because of my use of interrelated therapies, unlike a lot of doctors, I don’t require you to come in three times a week.

Some of the complaints that I have helped in the last 29 years are:

  • Musculoskeletal problems such as low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel, rotator cuff problems, knee pain, muscle pains
  • Headaches, Migraines
  • High blood pressure, fatique, low energy, problems losing weight, dizziness, vertigo, poor memory
  • Digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea, belching, bloating, difficulty with certain foods, heartburn,
  • Respiratory problems such as hyper-sensitivity to pollen, ragweed, etc, difficulty breathing, frequent colds, sinus problems
  • Immune problems such as frequesnt colds, flu, infections
  • Menstrual cramps, hot flashes, irregular cycles, etc

So if you  want to utilize non-pharmacological means of getting relief, please give me a call at 212-431-3724. I’m located at 230 W 13th St #1B, NYC 10011 (between 7th & Greenwich Ave)

I’m  also the writer of this  blog, in which I talk about chiropractic, applied kinesiology techniques, muscle balancing, my thoughts on nutrition and healing and as befits a foodie and a daughter of an Italian chef, even some healthy and delicious recipes.


 © 2012-Dr. Vittoria Repetto
 © 2016 – revised – Dr Vittoria Repetto
Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/NKT practice; please go to
And please check out the Patient Testimonials page at my  web site.