A NYC Chiropractor Posts 2 Video Parodies on Conventional Medicine’s Response to Lipitor & Vitamin D

Watch the Lipitor paradox-funny yet sad truth. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqdzJLOQM2I&sns=tw

Parody on conventional medicine response to Should I take vitamin D? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1K3s0ir74Y&NR=1




Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com.
And please check out the Patient Testimonials at the “Our Practice” page at the web site.


Patient Testimonials on a NYC Chiropractor /Applied Kinesiologist/NeuroKinetic Therapist


The following testimonials are from “Patient Testimonials” page on our web site http://www.drvittoriarepetto.com


I have been receiving chiropractic treatments for more than 40 years.  During that time period, I had the opportunity to meet only two outstanding chiropractors.  Dr. Repetto is one of these two.

Dr. Repetto has an extensive knowledge base that allows her to “think-outside-of-the-box” and provide each patient with an individualized treatment plan.  Most importantly, she implements each patient’s plan in a caring and compassionate manner, and she consistently uses progress monitoring to adjust the plan as needed.

I highly recommend Dr. Repetto to all.

Donna V.

 Dr. Repetto is a unique individual with a breadth of knowledge and a determination to help her patients that is rare and valuable. If you are looking for a routine set of adjustments that each patient receives routinely, this is NOT the doctor for you. Dr. Repetto cares about the root cause of patients’ issues, and assesses and treats people holistically. She’s helped me improve movement, and recover from injury, and when i had a horrible bout of bronchitis she treated me daily.  This is a unique talent, motivated by the desire to help, not money.

Brian G.

 I have been seeing Dr. Repetto for almost 20 years. She is incredibly knowledgable and quite a gifted  healer. She has helped me structurally as well as nutritionally. Anyone looking for a comprehensive approach to healing, you will not be disappointed. I am so glad I found her!!

Samora S.

 I was first seen by Dr. Vittoria Repetto in the 1990’s for sciatica and lower back pain that was at the time very severe and limited my abilities to perform many of my daily activities. After several hour-long treatments with Dr Repetto, I am happy and grateful to say my  sciatica and lower back ache and pain went away and had not returned.

On Mother’s Day 2011, I suffered an extremely serious and almost fatal fall from a darken stairwell. I required several surgeries afterwards. However, I was left with weaknesses in both my hands and arms, terrible pain in my lower back and weakness in my hips.

I finally chose to see Dr. Repetto after a long absence to seek treatment for what seem as unfixable problems. In addition to using chiropractic and applied kinesiology, Dr. Repetto has now added neurokinetic therapy to her list of techniques What I now find is that I get immediate relief, effective zeroing in on my pain and more lasting results. I am always amazed by how much better I feel when I leave the office and how it brings true pain relief and health benefits that last.

An example of this was a limp I was experiencing after dealing with my mom in Florida who had a stroke. Dr. Repetto was able to diagnose and treat the limp in one visit and I literally was able to walk significantly better and the limp has not return.

I highly recommend Dr. Vittoria Repetto without reservation.



I saw Dr. Repetto when my back went out unexpectedly 48 hours before taking a trip to Hawaii. I was scheduled for an appointment quickly and seen promptly. Dr. Repetto took a detailed medical history and gave me a thorough exam. She was able to get me out of pain with adjustment and massage and gave me exercises and strategies to manage pain for my trip. I was able to snorkle and hike Diamondhead without any issues thanks to her.


Nine years ago I went to see Dr. Repetto for a chronic lower back problem and now I can’t imagine life without her healing hands.  Currently she keeps me healthy and pain-free through regular chiropractic treatments while recommending nutritional supplements (when needed) to improve any health issues that might arise. Another miracle was performed by Dr. Repetto for a friend of mine that suffers from CLL leukemia, diabetes and heart problems.  Bedridden with a weak immune system, her doctors offered no help.  Desperate, I turned to Dr. Repetto who researched her symptoms and suggested specific nutritional supplements.  Within 24 hours of taking the supplements, her immune system was improving and is gaining strength with each day!  Dr. Repetto is a life-saver and a doctor you can trust!

Maria M.

I had a chronic back problem several years ago. I had been treated by physical therapy for a long time. Afterwards, I was not getting any better and did not want to continue. So I had stopped going.  One day while at work a co-worker had told me of a Chiropractor that he had seen for his own back problem. I decided to see the Chiropractor and what the physical therapist could not do she was able to do.

Ellen C

 I can vouch for Dr. Repetto! She’s been my chiropractor for about six years, and she just worked magic on an old injury.

I had to have surgery to reconstruct my shattered pelvis after a very serious accident in 2011. My surgeon warned me at the time that I would lose feeling on the front of my thigh because they would have to sever a nerve serving that skin. While I’m profoundly grateful to have regained 100% of my strength and range of motion, I’ve been mourning the loss of sensation in that large area ever since.. Damn!

I just had to have yet another surgery related to that same accident and I’ve had some concerns about post surgery nerve function in a muscle group adjacent to the numb skin on my thigh. I asked Dr. Repetto to check it out, and she also did some work on the numb area. I’m thrilled and astounded to be able to say that after she treated me the other night I seem to have suddenly regained sensation in a large portion of the numb skin area! Honestly, that should have been impossible. I don’t have full sensation yet. It’s kind of tingly, but I have another appointment with Dr. Repetto next week. Crossing fingers. It would be magical to regain that area.

Cheryl S.

 Dear Dr. Repetto,

Your treatment made all the difference for Leah for the two remaining weeks of her ballet courses. Leah said she followed your advice, keeping her arches iced and elevated at every opportunity and being careful to tone down on higher impact leaps and movements – such as the repetitive hops on pointe on one foot. She also did some segments of the corp de ballet group class work just in her ballet slippers. But, she was able to continue doing the pointe work for the classical ballet solo roles that the studio was teaching.

As I mentioned when we spoke that day, everyone else I’d called on the studio’s medical referral list didn’t have any appointment openings available for 2 or 3 weeks or more and I was really beginning to despair. Leah would have been sidelined for the entire remainder of the repertory course if she’d had to wait that long, which would have made her truly miserable, especially since she’d worked so hard helping to save up so she could attend the program.

Thank you again for your marvelous promptness in providing treatment to Leah on such short notice and for your generous provision of your time, kind follow-ups, and wonderful patient care.

Best regards,

Elizabeth T – Leah’s mother

 I truly wish to continue the treatments because of how amazingly conprehensive your style of practice is from ordinary Chiropractors.  I had no idea that ther was such a thing as an Applied Kinesiologist! It’s really awesome.  And I especially appreciate your nutritional service and approach- something I had never expected from a chiropractor!  But of course, it was no

surprise, it’s the reason why I knew I wanted you to be my Chiropractor. I had read your article and was sold!

It worked too! somehow I had a(n) (emotional) “release” during one manipulation which had me in an absolute  Zen state of hilarity for a good 1 -2 minutes or more!  Remember? I couldn’t stop laughing. I saw the irony of myself, everthing and everyone and how miniscule

things really are compared to TRUE brilliant,beautiful, unified, bright reality.  LOL! Holy Cow!  That’s the hallmark of a great body worker!

Tania E.

 “Dr. Vittoria Repetto is an excellent Chiropractor and Applied Kinesiologist. Her superb knowledge and ability to solve issues has helped relieve painful issues that presented in my life. Dr. Repetto is a caring, concerned healer. Her rates are so very reasonable and the service is priceless. I highly recommend Dr. Vittoria Repetto to attend to your chiropractic needs. She also offers vitamin, mineral supplements that really help increase energy and promote good health”

Donna Bungo

 I went to Dr. Repetto because I felt swollen and I knew this was not a weight gain. I was diagnosed w/ food allergies to oat, corn, wheat and soy. After extensive therapy, I was back to normal. In addition, I had gall bladder and thyroid problems, which Dr. Repetto has helped w/ chiropractic, acu-point therapy, proper nutrition and supplements. I feel like a new person.

Barbara Marino

 Vittoria – so I think you remember, and I want to THANK YOU for all your advice regarding gall bladder cleaning – I want to post about this too on Facebook and thank you, if that is OK – I had the six month followup on my gall bladder – and while I am not 100% clean, my doctor said he had never seen such rapid improvement – which he said had to be the diet on top of the Ursodial medicine – the scans are just incredible – from a gall bladder full of sludge and stones, to one with such a scattering of tiny sparkles, remnants of what was there and no edema or wall swelling and no issues with the bile ducts – I am still going to continue with ursodial another 6 months at least, and of course, olive oil, artichoke, healthy fats, mostly vegetarian and fish – but really the changes are incredible and what should take two years, took about 6 months – really thank you


 “It is not much of an exaggeration to write that Dr. Repetto has helped me get my complete health back, something that I have sought for over 20 years.

Many people who have known me for a long time, who meet me now, cannot help but comment on how healthy I look and act. I obviously wanted to be healthy for myself but I hope that how Dr. Repetto was able to help me, that others are similarly helped! Her understanding of the role that nutrition plays in one’s life has made me feel as if I were 3 years old again!

I have recommended her work to others who have also been greatly helped by her. I am certain that they will write glowing recommendations based on how much she has helped them. The most important aspect of her work is the time and commitment she will dedicate to your health, if you are also willing to do so!”

Tricia Mullen

 Suffering from lower back problems for 2 years, bulging and herniated discs – I was at my wits end! I’ve been to physical therapy and chiropractors, but within weeks, I was back to where I started, crippled, body out of alignment and in pain! I arrived at Dr. Repetto’s office with very little knowledge of kinesiology, quite nervous and hoping for some relief. Within one week I started feeling better both physically and emotionally. She’s also developed a program of nutrition, exercise and vitamins to improve my whole being. It’s now been several months with no back pain. Dr. Repetto’s experience and knowledge in treating the whole body is unmatched. I trust her implicitly and know I’m in the very best of hands. She truly has the gift of healing!

Maria McIsaac

 I know Vittoria for so many years now, and I cannot be happier for knowing that I can always rely on her. She is not only a great chiropractor, she is a nutritionist, a consultant and most important someone who really cares about you and your well-being. You can call her anytime, she is always there for you. She is honest and deeply concerned about your problems: she is the kind of doctor that every doctor, in any discipline, should be, but unfortunately is not anymore. I highly recommend her!!!

Laura Caparrotti

 Dr. Vittoria Repetto has been an amazing health professional who has not only helped me in dealing with back pain but in strengthening my back, posture and my vitamin needs. She will take care of you and spend time with you as no other chiropractic doctor I have ever known. I cannot say more about her professionalism and… her awesome approach to healing! You will be amazed as well. I have known her since 1990!

Jesus Sanchez

 Dear Dr. Repetto,

Since you treated me, I have learned what my problem actually was (not what other doctors were “saying” it was) and I have been feeling better with what seemed like a chronic condition for many years. I guess I’m shocked that other doctors did not understand, or care to take the time to understand what was going on and you did. Thank you for your insight and your skill. The exercises you gave me, as well as the supplements, have made my leg feel stronger and I no longer wake up in the middle of the night in pain. Thanks so much.

Clare Ultimo

 Dr. Repetto is a really great doctor and person who I have had the pleasure of knowing and seeing for 20 years. My mother, myself and now my wife are all patients. She is an expertly skilled chiropractor who has provided us with great relief. She is knowledgeable and caring, which is what makes her so good at her job. She is also very helpful regarding nutrition and exercise. Thanks very much Dr. Repetto for all the help you have provided me over the years and will continue to provide.

Matthew Shorr

 I have been visiting Dr. Vittoria Repetto for my chiropractic needs for the last two years. I initially went to her for upper back problems. I am pleased to report that she has completely rid me of upper back pain. As a bonus, Dr. Repetto was also able to cure a nagging shoulder problem that had bothered me for several years. I had lost complete range of motion in my left shoulder and had started to wonder if I would need surgery. After 4 visits over the course of about a month and a half, I regained full range of motion and my shoulder hasn’t bothered me since. That was about nine months ago. Dr. Repetto has also helped me with wrist problems related to computer use. I highly recommend Dr. Repetto to anyone with back problems or joint problems in any area of the body. She is the very best.

Kim M.

 I came to Dr. Repetto to help me deal w/ chronic neck and shoulder pain, TMJ and an ear that was constantly popping. One day, following my first two visits, it struck me that my neck no longer hurt, and my ear no longer pops. The TMJ is better too. Thanks, Doc.!

Martha Colby

 As a member of PHI and a subscriber to Post-Polio Health, I would like to respond to your query concerning chiropractors. I have personally been to a number of chiropractors and have found that, as in all of the health care professions, dramatic variations exist among the practitioners and the types of treatments offered. Fortunately, I found an expert chiropractor in New York, Dr. Vittoria Repetto who treats patients with gentle chiropractic manipulation, applied kinesiology (muscle balancing and strengthening work), acupressure, nutrition, etc. I believe it is important that you clarify your goals when seeking chiropractic care. My personal results with my chiropractor during the last years have been outstanding. I have increased my walking ability and am much stronger. Don’t be discouraged — I went to many orthopedists, podiatrists, physical therapists and other chiropractors before finding a chiropractor that had the extraordinary knowledge and techniques to make a vast improvement in my quality of life.

Tammy Raum   Printed in: http://www.post-polio.org/net/help3.html

 Before I came to see Dr. Repetto, I had constant shoulder and neck pain. I had been told I should not play golf (a passion of mine) and that I may need an operation.

I am happy to say that Dr. Repetto has gotten me to a point where I am practically pain free and more important playing golf without any problems. And I certainly don’t need an operation.

I can not say enough about Dr. Repetto. If you are looking for a doctor who truly listens to you and one who will treat the whole person and not just symptoms, she is definitely the doctor for you.

Connie B.

 Dr. Vittoria Repetto is a gifted and patient-friendly chiropractor who works in an airy, upbeat and comfortable office on West Broadway just south of Canal Street. Years of dedicated practice and a nature talent allow her to adapt a full range of chiropractic procedures to each patient’s special needs. Her treatments inevitably leave one with a feeling of heightened energy, and can result in direct relief from physical pain. In addition to spinal, cranial, muscle stretching and acu-point therapies, all provided with a consideration of the client’s general medical condition, Dr. Repetto offers expert advice on nutrition and exercise in terms of individual lifestyles.

Anthony B.

 I have been to many chiropractors for many different health problems such as my asthma over the course of 30 years. I was new to the New York area and had not seen or known of many doctors here.

When my problems became unmanageable, I sought out and, by some miracle, came upon Dr. Vittoria Repetto. I called her and she was able to accommodate me that same day. After my first treatment, there was a profound difference in my overall wellbeing. I was truly shocked. Even my family noticed that I was improved and all were impressed after only the first time.

I continue to improve as Dr. Repetto works with me and treats me in the many areas of chiropractic including applied kinesiology, acupressure therapy and nutritional support. She takes time with each patient, explains everything to you and makes sure you are taken care of and treated with dignity. I believe it is imperative to treat the whole person and not just the symptom.

Dr. Repetto is a true healer and becoming her patient was one of the most important and most intelligent things I have done for myself. If you want to find a doctor to work with you, to help yourself feel better and improve your overall wellbeing, then you must call Dr. Repetto and set up an appointment to see her.

Anika C.

 Vittoria is concise, and through. Her authoritative manner and expert skill combined with warmth and humor made for a wonderful experience. Her offices are professional and comfortable. She always goes the extra mile suggesting any necessary nutritional supplements, as well as updating you regularly with the latest articles, or papers pertinent to the health/body issue you present her with.

Lucia Rossman, Owner, Digi Dog Design

 I strongly recommend Dr. Repetto. She is a great chiropractor and applied kinesiologist and has a gift for finding the cause of problems and how to fix them quickly and efficiently. She is also a great nutritional/lifestyle coach whose guidance has definitely helped my overall well being.

Maria Lapachet


 ©Revised: Dr Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

 Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? 


Or join me at Twitter: www.twitter.com/DrVRepetto

Health Effects of Turmeric & Curcuminoids


Prevention & treatment of cancer
Helps prevent multi-drug resistance (synergistic with chemotherapy)

for Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s diseases – Multiple sclerosis
Enhances detoxification
Choleretic – promotes production of bile salts
Mild chelator of heavy metals – Mercury & Lead
Decreases LDL oxidation
May inhibit platelet aggregation
– In a study presented at the  American College of Gastroenterology’s annual meeting in San Antonio, turmeric was found to kill Clostridium difficile ( a highly resilient bacteria to antibiotics)  in a petri dish. The study points to the use of turmeric as a preventative to be used either in cooking or in capsule form; the research suggested that 4 gms of turmeric to be the affective dosage.
According to Ayurvedic traditions, the effects of turmeric potentates w/ the mixing of turmeric w/ a fat (such as ghee, oil or coconut milk and with pepper/chile peppers
Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com or www.westbroadwaychiropractic.com
And please check out the Patient Testimonials at the “Our Practice” page at the web site
Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? Click here: Facebook | West Broadway Chiropractic & Applied Kinesiology

Please read: Hyla Cass, M.D.: Is Your Medication Robbing You of Nutrients Part 2: Getting Specific

Excellent article on how common medications deplete vital nutrients essential to your health, and explains how this happens.

Covers:  Anti-hypertensives, Beta blockers, Cholesterol – lowering drugs, Acid blockers, Antacids, Histamine-2 receptor antagonists & Proton-pump inhibitors, Oral hypoglycemics, Psychotrophic medications, Hormone replacement therapy and Antibiotics.

Click here: Hyla Cass, M.D.: Is Your Medication Robbing You of Nutrients Part 2: Getting Specific


Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com or www.westbroadwaychiropractic.com
And please check out the Patient Testimonials at the “Our Practice” page at the web site
Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? Click here: Facebook | West Broadway Chiropractic & Applied Kinesiology 
Or join me at Twitter: www.twitter.com/DrVRepetto

PTSD and Applied Kinesiology Techniques to Help

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of anxiety disorder that’s triggered by a traumatic event; sufferers may have the following symptoms of nightmares, insomnia, flashbacks, rage, emotional numbing, hypervigiliance, hyperarousal, depression, anxiety, intrusive thoughts and avoidance.


 There are a number of techniques that can help the PSTD patient cope better w/ their stresses and there are even techniques that the patient can practice at home.

 The first one involves the adrenal glands, an organ involved in our sympathetic reflex or “the fight or flight reaction” Continuous stress can cause the adrenals not to function optimally; symptoms can include fatigue, insomnia, depression brain fog, etc. if the adrenals are involved, then the PTSD patient might present w/ weak Sartorius muscle, a craving for salty foods, blood pressure that drops upon sudden standing or their pupils may have a sluggish reaction to light.

 Help for the adrenals involves stimulation of the neurolymphatics and neurovascular points associated w/ the Sartorius muscle and it’s link via the Chinese meridian system to the adrenals. This is a technique that the patient can do at home.

 Another muscle to look at is the Pectoralis Clav. Major that is associated to the stomach via the Chinese meridian system. We know that anxiety and stress being a predisposing factor in stomach dysfunction raging form “butterflies” in the stomach, to a gastric ulcer to emotional chest pain.

 The patient’s Pectoralis muscle would be tested while recalling a traumatic event If the muscle tests weak, then the doctor contacts the emotional neurovascular reflex pt until a synchronous pulse is felt bilaterally. Then the patient again recalls the traumatic event and the pectorals are re-tested. If the pectorals test strong, then the emotional recall is lessened in its ability to affect the patient. And the patient is taught to do the reflex work at home.

 Another technique involves negating a patient’s self-sabotaging behavior. We have the patient speak a positive statement such as “I want to be healthy” and if that statement causes any muscle to be weak then we know that there is a conflict in the mind-body connection. We then have the patient say the positive phase again while holding either points on the Small Intestine meridian; the point used is the one that allows the previously weak muscle to test strong. An acu-aid is placed on the point and the patient instructed to tap the point if they feel their symptoms creeping up on them.

 Another technique is the Temporal Tap which works as an auto-suggestion. The patient is taught to tap the temporo-sphenoidal line on the side of his head while inputting a negative statement such as “I have no need to yell.” on the right side  And then the patient inputs a positive statement such “I will be calm”.

 This technique works wonders for insomnia.

 Another technique involves holding acupuncture points while the patient thinks about his fears or anger or anxiety and we observe if that “causes a muscle to go weak; meridians associated w/ fear may be the kidney/bladder meridian or the stomach or the liver/gall bladder for anger issues. Then the patient (or the doctor) taps the beginning and end point of the meridian involved and the muscle is re-tested as the patient thinks again about his problem. A positive outcome would be a strong muscle test and the patient feeling that his fear has lessened

As you see with testing by a doctor using applied kinesiology, the patient can actively take a role in becoming healthier, more calm, more social. etc

© 2010-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Common Medications for PTSD Tied to Increased Dementia Risk

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice at 230 W. 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com

And please check out the Patient Testimonials at my web site.

 Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? Follow me at https://www.facebook.com/wvillagechiropracticappliedkinesiologynkt/

Or join me at Twitter: www.twitter.com/DrVRepetto

Cranial Sacral Therapy in Applied Kinesiology

Cranial Sacral Therapy is a technique taught in Applied Kinesiology based on Cranial Osteopathy which was discovered by osteopath Dr. William Sutherland after he had a remarkable insight while examining the specialized articulations of cranial bones. Contrary to popular belief Dr Sutherland realized that cranial sutures were, in fact, designed to express small degrees of motion.

cranial sutures

DeJarnette and Goodheart introduced diagnostic methods for the evaluation and treatment of cranial dysfunctions. The key technical factor that has advanced cranial diagnosis and treatment, and brought the entire field of cranial therapy into accessible, reproducible, practice and scientific form, was provided by Goodheart’s discovery that the musculoskeletal system and manual muscle testing (MMT) reflects what is going on within the cranial mechanism.

MMT has allowed applied kinesiologists to discover the dramatic functional relationships that exist between the cranium and every other articulation and tissue in the body. Furthermore, patients are not treated in a “touchy feely” fashion in which the patient’s skull is cradled for an indeterminate time, until the cradler perceives warmth or a yielding or softening sensation.

 There are many other physical signs and tests (besides MMT) that also reveal cranial dysfunction; these have been written about extensively in the applied kinesiology (AK), sacro-occipital technique (SOT) and osteopathic literature. Returning the dura to a physiological range of tension by using specifically applied cranial corrections is a major goal of AK evaluation and treatment, which seeks to achieve zero defects inside and outside the cranium.

Like Cranial Osteopathy, Cranial Sacral Therapy seeks to restore the natural rhythmic movement found between the bones of the skull and the sacrum which is correlated to our inspiration and expiration; in other words, the cranial bones and sacrum move in different directions when we breathe in and in opposite directions when we breathe out.

The purpose of this is to aid the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid throughout the central nervous system.

And some suggested that CSF flow along the cranial nerves and spinal nerve roots allow it into the lymphatic channels. Restoring normal cranial-sacral rhythm enables the body to function optimally and may alleviate a wide variety of painful and dysfunctional conditions within the body.

Using a soft gentle touch practitioners release restrictions in the cranial-sacral system to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

There are many results why the motion of the cranial and the sacrum may be disturbed.  

For some, it can be caused by the trauma of a difficult birth. Normally since the bones are very flexible, normal movement and the act of crying restores the natural movement.

For others, it could have been caused an accidental bang to the head, a fall, whiplash following an auto accident. Jaw problems can also affect the cranials as when we chew or clench our teeth, there are muscles forces directed to the skull such as the pull of  the   Temporalis muscle on the squamosal suture of the skull. Even the act of holding our breath during physical exertion (we should be breathing out at that moment), can cause a failure of proper cranial and sacral motion.

 Dysfunction of the cranial sacral motion can be seen in different problems, even some caused by the entrapment of cranial nerves

as they exit the cranium such as trigeminal neuralgia, headaches, migraines, low back  and disc problems, general weakness on one side of the body, problems w/ visual acuity, low or high blood pressure, a spastic ileo-cecal value, neck flexor weakness, allergies, hypochlorhydria, earaches, loss of balance, tinnitus, dizziness and vertigo, recurring upper cervical (neck) problems and scoliosis  

 In applied kinesiology, there are techniques to find the dysfunctions (or cranial faults) and to find out how to fix it. The difference in muscle strength when the patient is breathing in or breathing out is one clue. The asymmetrical face is another clue that there may be a problem. Or the doctor can observe what happens to the strength of a muscle when she (or he) presses on certain cranials or sutures; this is called a challenge.

Cranial-sacrum corrections are easily made and if incorporated with the correction of accompanying spinal dysfunction, muscle balancing and proper nutrition, it will have a lasting effect.

 For more information on cranial- sacral therapy, cerebrospinal fluid, cranial nerves, and the bones of the skull, please see:






Mesmerising Video Shows Waves of Spinal Fluid Washing Over The Brain During Sleep

© 2010-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

June 2018

– A new patient had a history of not being able to look to her left without turning her body since contacting toxoplasmosis when she was 18; she was now 80 yrs old. She stated that the infection affected her lt eye.  Found that the muscles for lt. lat flexion were weak but therapy localization (touching) of the ethmoid bone that makes up the lateral part of the eye socket made the muscles stronger. So I adjusted the bone with an inspiration assist and the muscles were strengthened and the range of motion was improved; in fact the range was now better than the right side.

© – 2018 – Dr. Vittoria Repetto


Interesting article:  To Improve Memory, Tune It Like an Orchestra

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

 Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? 


Or join me at Twitter: www.twitter.com/DrVRepetto

The Myth of Stroke Following Chiropractic Adjustment

I was walking towards a local award ceremony when a women standing outside greeted me by name. She continued,” So the MD’s are at it again trying to discredit chiropractors, did you see the science report on NBC the other night?”

“Yes,” I said, “I caught part of it and I thought one of the M.D’s was honest enough to say that he did think there was not enough proof that chiropractic caused strokes.”

I continued” You know in my practice, I take a detailed medical history looking for hypertension, headaches, bad diet or other factors that I may suspect predispose the patient to a stroke and then in the exam, I include blood pressure, pulse rates,  and I do a number of vertebra-basilar tests and have the patient move their head in all ranges of motion, and note any signs of nausea, tinnitus, vertigo, light headaches, slurring of speech, dizziness or nystagmus may indicate vascular compromise or stenosis of the carotid or vertebral arteries

Here’s some more information on some of those tests: http://www.dynamicchiropractic.com/mpacms/dc/article.php?id=37567


The second thing that I talk to people about when they ask about chiropractic causing strokes is I ask if they have seen newspaper articles about this and then I ask if they read the complete article. Because I say in every article that I have seen with the headline screaming “Stroke Caused by Chiropractic” it will say, at the end of the article, who did the chiropractic adjustment that supposedly caused the stroke.

And guess what? It’s never a chiropractor.

It’s a personal trainer, a physical therapist or some other person who has not had the training in how to do an adjustment safely.

Chiropractors go through two years of intensive training on how to do adjustments and we practice for those two years on each other before we are allowed to touch a patient in the school clinics for another two years. So that is a total of 4 yrs of practicing how to adjust before we get our licenses.

And the third point that I put across to people is I ask if they know how malpractice insurance premiums are calculated and if they know the difference in premiums between different medical specialties and chiropractic.

Insurance premiums are calculated via actuarial science which is the discipline that applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in the insurance and finance industries; they involve in malpractice the risk of the procedure to cause mortality and injury. group vs. individual practice, involvement w/ an HMO, etc. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actuarial_science

A family physician or an internist may have a malpractice premium of $20,000 to $40,000. This premium goes up depending on their specialty; surgeons have the highest premiums.

As a chiropractor in solo practice, not signed up w/ an HMO, my malpractice premium is $3000. So according actuarial science, chiropractic adjustments done by properly trained doctors of chiropractors is a fairly safe procedure.

Who then, I ask, are doing the dangerous procedures??

“Not the chiropractors” said the women. “That’s right, pass it on!” I said, and headed inside to the ceremony.

© 2010-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Risk of Carotid Stroke after Chiropractic Care: A Population-Based Case-Crossover Study   

J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2017 Apr;26(4):842-850. doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2016.10.031. Epub 2016 Nov 21.

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

 Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? 


Or join me at Twitter: www.twitter.com/DrVRepetto

To Salt or Not to Salt, That is the Question

For the last 2 months, esp. here in NYC, we have been hearing about public health officials and some politicians wanting to not just force food companies to reduce the salt in their processed foods but to also make it a violation for a restaurant to cook w/ salt.

Now let me make myself perfectly clear: decreasing salt in processed foods, in general, is a good idea. A better idea would be not to eat any processed foods but I digress

And let me say that I recommend that people use sea salt rather than table salt as sea salt also contains other important mineral salts such as magnesium, potassium which helps regulate our blood pressure and naturally contains other trace minerals such as iodine. Commercial table salt is a chemically made product, the only “salt” in it is sodium chloride (also holds true for kosher salt) contains no other trace minerals and may contain additives like aluminum silicate in order to keep it “powdery and porous” http://www.causeof.org/salt.htm#SeaSaltIodized

sea salt foam

The food companies have made a science of seducing our taste buds and our brains w/ the lore of sweet and salty especially with the huge swing towards low fat foods in the 1980’s & ‘90’s that the medical establishment told us to start eating in order to lower our cholesterol and prevent heart attacks and strokes.

And what happened: “The harder the experts try to save Americans, the fatter we get…..The anti-fat campaign definitely made an impact on the marketing of food, but as we gobbled up all the new low-fat products, we kept getting fatter. Eventually, in 2000, the experts revised the dietary guidelines and conceded that their anti-fat advice may have contributed to diabetes and obesity by unintentionally encouraging Americans to eat more calories.” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/23/science/23tier.html?hpw

So I have to wonder if this cutting down of salt will contribute to new problems such as iodine deficiencies, dehydration problems, too low blood pressure and adrenal fatigue.

Concentrated primarily in the thyroid gland, iodine is a important trace mineral that plays an important role in the body’s biological functions. In fact, the U.S. government in the 1920’s recommended that iodine be added to table salt. The ruling was a strategy to ensure that an iodine deficiency didn’t develop in the American diet. And it worked pretty well

Iodine deficiency is involved in hypothyroidism, fatigue, depression, cretinism, weight gain and possible connections to breast cancer, thymus, salivary gland and oral health.

Iodine is found naturally in a number of foods such as seafood, seaweed, egg yolks and milk and plants grown in iodine rich soil.

Clearly if you are eating the above foods…and I hope that your milk is organic and your eggs free ranging and the soil your veggies grow in is not nutrient deprived and your fish not farmed; then you have a good chance of getting enough iodine. Add to that that you are not eating commercial bread, made w/ bromides (an iodine agonist) instead of iodine

Frequently in the summer months, I’ll have patients complain about fatigue and dizziness and after some questions about sweating, exercise, and their cooking practices, I usually discover that they didn’t use any salt in their cooking. They are the exact opposite of people who not only use salt for cooking but then add salt to their food when it’s on the plate. So balance is the key here, hot weather, sweating a great deal are good reasons to add a little more salt.

And again I’m talking about adding sea salt instead of table salt to your food as the potassium and magnesium salts in sea salt help w/ blood pressure

One of the functions of the adrenal gland is to produce mineralocorticoids which help keep your blood pressure and blood volume normal by maintaining a proper balance of sodium, potassium and water in your body. And so I’ve found find that patients w/ chronic adrenal fatigue crave salt.

So again moderate use of iodized sea salt is a good thing..just a pinch…not more that a 1/8 of a teaspoon…not the 1-2 teaspoons that I see when I watch cooking shows (yes, I yell at the TV..lol)

Here’s some websites you may find useful:





© -2010- Dr. Vittoria Repetto

added in 2011:

http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/744014?src=mp&spon=18 Low Sodium and High Risk? Maybe It’s Not the Salt

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

 Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? 


The Magic of Magnesium: A Mighty Mineral Essential to Health

Not only is the calcium carbonate in Tums reducing the absorption of Calcium because you need acid in order to absorb Calcuim but the lack of acid also affects your absorption of Vitamin B12 and Zinc.

And low gastric acid is thought to predispose your stomach H. Pylori and H. pylori colonization increses gastric ph ( from acidic to non-acidic or basic)

And the proton pump inhibtor and H2 blockers that they give for GERD cause the same effect
More on Health
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Podcast: Ancient Medicine Today: Applied Kinesiology with Dr.Vittoria Repetto


I’ve been interviewed for a program called Ancient Medicine Today, here’s the link and a short description written by my interviewer:

February 22, 2010 : On today’s show : We are going to venture into the practice of Applied Kinesiology. Here to share with us what is, as well as what it is not, is Dr.Vittoria Repetto. We’ll also take a walk on the wild side and learn about an herb that makes a great wine, and treats infections. Then, Stay tuned for Glancing at the stars, with Nick Symington. Nick is live in the studio with this weeks Astrological 411.

Dr Vittoria Repetto, is a Chiropractor as well as a practitioner of Applied Kinesiology. Vittoria practices in New York City. If you would like to find out more about Applied Kinesiology as well as other cutting edge health topics, I recommend taking a look at Dr.Vittoria Repetto’s blog. You will find it at : https://drvittoriarepetto.wordpress.com/

Applied Kinesiology is a system that evaluates: structural, chemical and mental aspects of a person’s health. The combined terms applied and kinesiology describe the basis of this system, which is the use of manual muscle testing to evaluate body function through the dynamics of the musculoskeletal system.

In general, the applied Kinesiologist finds a muscle that tests weak and then attempts to determine why that muscle is not functioning properly. The practitioner will then evaluate and apply the therapy that will best eliminate the muscle weakness and help the patient. In some cases, the practitioner may test for environmental or food sensitivities by using a previously strong muscle to find what weakens it.

Treatments may involve specific joint manipulation or mobilization, various myofascial therapies, cranial techniques, meridian and acupuncture skills, clinical nutrition, dietary management, as well as counseling.


Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com.
And please check out the Patient Testimonials at the “Our Practice” page at the web site.