Please read: Hyla Cass, M.D.: Is Your Medication Robbing You of Nutrients Part 2: Getting Specific

Excellent article on how common medications deplete vital nutrients essential to your health, and explains how this happens.

Covers:  Anti-hypertensives, Beta blockers, Cholesterol – lowering drugs, Acid blockers, Antacids, Histamine-2 receptor antagonists & Proton-pump inhibitors, Oral hypoglycemics, Psychotrophic medications, Hormone replacement therapy and Antibiotics.

Click here: Hyla Cass, M.D.: Is Your Medication Robbing You of Nutrients Part 2: Getting Specific

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Getting Enough Calcium Into Your Bones? Ten Facts You Need to Know!

A while back, a fellow member of an e-mail list serve that I belong to, asked the following:
“What do you take for calcium if you are not getting enough from diet. I used to take Tums, but now I heard that they don’t do anything. Any suggestions?”

I said there are 10 facts you need to know in order to make sure that you are getting the calcium that you need.

The first fact that you need to know is that that you need an acidic ph in your stomach to help absorb the calcium. Our bodies supply this naturally w/ our own stomach acid. If you have a healthy digestive system that has not been abused w/ antacids, you are ok. But as we get older some people’s stomachs secrete less acid; to safeguard against this, some companies add Betaine HCl – a digestive enzyme and Vitamin C to their calcium supplements insure the proper Ph.
So what is Tums? It’s an antacid which uses a very cheap form of calcium called Calcium Carbonate that has an antacid effect all it’s own and therefore is mal-absorbed and you don’t get any calcium into your system. Remember, it’s not what you eat/take…It’s what you absorb!

The second fact that you need to know is that the two best-absorbed Calcium’s are Calcium Citrate and Microcrystallline Hydroxyapatite Concentrate (MCHC). MCHC is a complete bone food; it contains proteins (to produce collagen – the mesh that the calcium/minerals attaches it to form the bone) and other ingredients that comprise the organic portion of the bone, as well as calcium and other minerals.
Calcium citrate produces a higher peak calcium level in the blood. This is an interesting finding because the carbonate supplements actually contain more calcium per pill than those with the citrate.
I personally use a supplement that contains both MCHC and Calcium Citrate.
Your calcium supplement and/or your multi-vitamin/mineral should contain Vitamin K and boron as well as a complete mineral profile as these help your bones absorb calcium.

The third fact that you need to know is how to read the label of calcium supplements; most labels will list:
Calcium Citrate(1 tablet)………………….250 mg
But what you want to see listed is the Elemental Calcium; that is how much calcium you are getting; the rest of it is the citrate part of compound.
Calcium (Elemental)………………………100mg.

The four fact is that you need to take magnesium along w/ the calcium; magnesium helps activates the parathyroid hormone and Vitamin D that helps us to absorb the calcium into our digestive systems as well as working as a counterbalance to calcium in nerve stimulation/relaxation and prevent us from getting constipated from taking too much calcium. The present accepted ratio of calcium to magnesium is 2 to 1:( Ca 200/Mg 100).

The fifth fact is that you need Vitamin D in order to absorb the calcium. The current RDA is 200-400IU though with all the current research on Vitamin D and its effect on our immune system, some are suggesting that the new RDA be 800-1000IU. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and can build up to toxic levels (above 10,000IU a day ) so be careful if you are taking cod liver oil or something similar. Always read labels carefully. Also try taking in sunshine for 20 minutes a day minus the sun block so that your body can make its own Vitamin D.

The sixth fact is that you should be taking your calcium supplement in the evening hours as that is when your Para-thyroid gland is most active. It increases gastrointestinal calcium absorption by activating Vitamin D and promotes calcium uptake by the kidneys
The seventh fact is that you should be taking calcium yrs before you enter menopause. Contrary to common misconception, bone is a living substance; one of the most active tissues in the body. It is constantly being dissolved and rebuilt in a process called remodeling and like any other living tissue, needs nourishment to stay strong and healthy. So in my opinion, a woman should take 400mg to 600 mg before she is 40 yrs. old (pregnant women need a lot more), take 600-1000 mg after 40. I recommend that you do not take more than 600mg in supplement form but try to get the majority of your calcium from foods like beans, leafy greens, almonds and some quality dairy products if you are not lactose-intolerant

The eighth fact is that some companies use fillers and binders that make it impossible for the calcium tablet to break down in your digestive system and be absorbed.
There is a simple test you can do at home: put 1/4 of a cup of vinegar in a jar (similar acidic ph as our stomachs), drop the Calcium supplement into jar, close and shake well for 15 min and then leave it on counter for 3 hrs…if it is not dissolved by then…then you are not absorbing it. You can do this to all your vitamins/minerals. I personally use and recommend a brand of vitamin/mineral that is highly absorbable…and I am of the opinion that you get what you pay for. Remember, it’s not what you eat/take…It’s what you absorb!

The ninth fact is that use of weight bearing exercise such as wt. training, swimming or using a cross-country machine accelerates the deposition of minerals into the bones.

The tenth fact is that there have been studies that show that overuse of animal proteins (western diet vs. eastern diet) and overuse of carbonated drinks (sodas/seltzer) accelerates the loss of minerals from our bones. There are also studies that show that the calcium in milk/ dairy products is not as well absorbed as the milk companies would have you believe. So I would suggest that you increase your intake of veggie protein (soy, nuts, beans and legumes , leafy greens and cruciferous veggies) and eat a moderate amount of animal protein and forget the sodas

© 2010-Dr. Vittoria Repetto / revised -2013

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Nutrition Tips: Folic Acid: Killer or Cure-All?

For additional information on l-5-MTHF, please read

For supplements, containing L-5-MTHF, please call
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Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Cranial Sacral Therapy in Applied Kinesiology

Cranial Sacral Therapy is a technique taught in Applied Kinesiology based on Cranial Osteopathy which was discovered by osteopath Dr. William Sutherland after he had a remarkable insight while examining the specialized articulations of cranial bones. Contrary to popular belief Dr Sutherland realized that cranial sutures were, in fact, designed to express small degrees of motion.

cranial sutures

DeJarnette and Goodheart introduced diagnostic methods for the evaluation and treatment of cranial dysfunctions. The key technical factor that has advanced cranial diagnosis and treatment, and brought the entire field of cranial therapy into accessible, reproducible, practice and scientific form, was provided by Goodheart’s discovery that the musculoskeletal system and manual muscle testing (MMT) reflects what is going on within the cranial mechanism.

MMT has allowed applied kinesiologists to discover the dramatic functional relationships that exist between the cranium and every other articulation and tissue in the body. Furthermore, patients are not treated in a “touchy feely” fashion in which the patient’s skull is cradled for an indeterminate time, until the cradler perceives warmth or a yielding or softening sensation.

 There are many other physical signs and tests (besides MMT) that also reveal cranial dysfunction; these have been written about extensively in the applied kinesiology (AK), sacro-occipital technique (SOT) and osteopathic literature. Returning the dura to a physiological range of tension by using specifically applied cranial corrections is a major goal of AK evaluation and treatment, which seeks to achieve zero defects inside and outside the cranium.

Like Cranial Osteopathy, Cranial Sacral Therapy seeks to restore the natural rhythmic movement found between the bones of the skull and the sacrum which is correlated to our inspiration and expiration; in other words, the cranial bones and sacrum move in different directions when we breathe in and in opposite directions when we breathe out.

The purpose of this is to aid the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid throughout the central nervous system.

And some suggested that CSF flow along the cranial nerves and spinal nerve roots allow it into the lymphatic channels. Restoring normal cranial-sacral rhythm enables the body to function optimally and may alleviate a wide variety of painful and dysfunctional conditions within the body.

Using a soft gentle touch practitioners release restrictions in the cranial-sacral system to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

There are many results why the motion of the cranial and the sacrum may be disturbed.  

For some, it can be caused by the trauma of a difficult birth. Normally since the bones are very flexible, normal movement and the act of crying restores the natural movement.

For others, it could have been caused an accidental bang to the head, a fall, whiplash following an auto accident. Jaw problems can also affect the cranials as when we chew or clench our teeth, there are muscles forces directed to the skull such as the pull of  the   Temporalis muscle on the squamosal suture of the skull. Even the act of holding our breath during physical exertion (we should be breathing out at that moment), can cause a failure of proper cranial and sacral motion.

 Dysfunction of the cranial sacral motion can be seen in different problems, even some caused by the entrapment of cranial nerves

as they exit the cranium such as trigeminal neuralgia, headaches, migraines, low back  and disc problems, general weakness on one side of the body, problems w/ visual acuity, low or high blood pressure, a spastic ileo-cecal value, neck flexor weakness, allergies, hypochlorhydria, earaches, loss of balance, tinnitus, dizziness and vertigo, recurring upper cervical (neck) problems and scoliosis  

 In applied kinesiology, there are techniques to find the dysfunctions (or cranial faults) and to find out how to fix it. The difference in muscle strength when the patient is breathing in or breathing out is one clue. The asymmetrical face is another clue that there may be a problem. Or the doctor can observe what happens to the strength of a muscle when she (or he) presses on certain cranials or sutures; this is called a challenge.

Cranial-sacrum corrections are easily made and if incorporated with the correction of accompanying spinal dysfunction, muscle balancing and proper nutrition, it will have a lasting effect.

 For more information on cranial- sacral therapy, cerebrospinal fluid, cranial nerves, and the bones of the skull, please see:

Mesmerising Video Shows Waves of Spinal Fluid Washing Over The Brain During Sleep

© 2010-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

June 2018

– A new patient had a history of not being able to look to her left without turning her body since contacting toxoplasmosis when she was 18; she was now 80 yrs old. She stated that the infection affected her lt eye.  Found that the muscles for lt. lat flexion were weak but therapy localization (touching) of the ethmoid bone that makes up the lateral part of the eye socket made the muscles stronger. So I adjusted the bone with an inspiration assist and the muscles were strengthened and the range of motion was improved; in fact the range was now better than the right side.

© – 2018 – Dr. Vittoria Repetto


Interesting article:  To Improve Memory, Tune It Like an Orchestra

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

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It’s not a Food Allergy; maybe it’s a Food Intolerance

So you have severe bloating, and belching, problems w/ elimination and general abdominal discomfort and growing fatigue and other vague medical symptoms. Or you may have been diagnosed w/ either Crohn’s disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the standard procedures are not working for you. You suspect your regular MD thinks you are a hypochondriac but he has agreed to test you for IGE allergies.

 But they come back all negative. So now what??

 You may need to be tested for IgG food intolerances; a problem that functional medicine and nutritionally minded doctors have been helping with for years but  conventional medical doctors are just beginning to look at this phenomenon.

 Unlike IgE food allergies that will cause an immediate and maybe deadly reaction such as difficulty breathing or a skin rash or a swollen tongue (think E for emergency); a IgG food intolerance is a delayed reaction, maybe causing problems 3-21 days after the ingestion of the food that is problematic for you and your digestive system (think G for general or non-specific problems).

 So one of the problems in testing is the wide number of food suspects due to the long period of time that is required for your body to react to a IgG food intolerance. This can be expensive.

 And the FDA is still saying that the IgG food testing is experimental and therefore insurance companies can deny coverage.

 So one of the procedures I do in my Applied Kinesiology practice, is to do a “presumptive” muscle test challenge using muscles associated to digestion via the Chinese meridian/acupoint system such as the Pectoralis Clav Major. If the muscle is strong, the patient then contacts the neuro-lymphatic point for that muscle as I place a food into their mouth and have them chew the food in order to stimulate taste receptors on the tongue and activate gustatory receptors in the brain.

 If a particular food causes the muscle to then test “weak” after stimulating these receptors, then the patient is asked to stop eating that particular food for one month’s time.

 If the patient has good insurance, then we may order IgG food Intolerance test as we has narrowed the field of possible suspects.  Sometimes this is not financially possible for the patient.

 However when IgG testing is possible, the results show a 80-100% correlation w/ the results of the muscle test in my practice. Elimination of the positive tested foods results in the patient’s complaints of general abdominal discomfort and growing fatigue and other vague medical symptom to start disappearing.

 While the patient is avoiding the suspected foods, I will advise the patient on healing their leaky gut syndrome (also called increased intestinal permeability)

 A leaky gut is the result of damage to the intestinal lining from years of abuse via the food intolerance. Leaky gut is also caused by other factors such antibiotic overuse, prescription and over-the counter drugs and excessive alcohol consumption.

 A leaky gut is less able to protect the internal environment as well as to filter needed nutrients and other biological substances. As a consequence, some bacteria and their toxins, incompletely digested proteins and fats, and waste not normally absorbed may “leak” out of the intestines into the blood stream.

 And as our intestines have a layer of lymphatics, a leaky gut can  trigger an autoimmune reaction, which can lead to gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal bloating, excessive gas and cramps, fatigue, food sensitivities, joint pain, skin rashes, and autoimmunity.

It’s a vicious cycle that is helped by removal of the offending food and repair w/ L- glutamine, an amino acid that helps maintain intestinal metabolism and function, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), selectively stimulate the growth and activity of “friendly” bacteria in the intestinal tract such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis, FOS also have been shown to help restore and maintain mucosal integrity and aid in the adequate absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc.

Adjustment of the spinal segments which help innervate the gut, stimulation of Chinese acupoints on meridrians involved w/ digestion and the neuro-lymphatic and neuro-vascular points are also part of the patient’s treatment; this offers a whole body approach to the patient’s problem.

 For more information on IgG food Intolerance testing, please see:

© 2010-Dr. Vittoria Repetto


Great paper correlating AK methods of manual muscle and taste tests for allergies and serum immunoglobulin tests:

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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The Magic of Magnesium: A Mighty Mineral Essential to Health

Not only is the calcium carbonate in Tums reducing the absorption of Calcium because you need acid in order to absorb Calcuim but the lack of acid also affects your absorption of Vitamin B12 and Zinc.!&id=851711

And low gastric acid is thought to predispose your stomach H. Pylori and H. pylori colonization increses gastric ph ( from acidic to non-acidic or basic)

And the proton pump inhibtor and H2 blockers that they give for GERD cause the same effect
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Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

The Musculoskeletal Aspects of Asthma

Like most of you, I’ve been watching the Olympics and as I watched, I remembered a previous Summer Olympics and watching the start of the Women’s Marathon. I noticed something in the body language of one of the front runners and said to my friends, “That runner has asthma; look at her neck.”  My friends chuckled and then the announcer talking about the runner I pointed out said that she suffered from asthma.

“How did you know?’ asked my surprised friends. Her SCM (sternocleidomastoid) muscle was very pronounced. Instead of using her primary muscles of inspiration, her diaphragm, the external intercostals and the sternocostalis; she was using an accessory one. It was causing her rib cage to be higher in position on her torso and more barrel shaped: a classic visual for asthma patients

In  my Applied Kinesiology practice, I see a number of patients with breathing problems. To a person they all have problems using their diaphragm muscle properly, they use small muscles higher up in the chest and shoulders creating  a “barrel-shaped” chest. And many have problems w/ their intercostal muscles and the up of down movement of the ribs; their rib joints don’t move properly therefore not allowing the movement of the chest.

Tightness and/or weakness is also found in the Pectoralis major & minor, SCM, the Anterior & Middle Scalenes and the Serratus anterior as well as other accessory muscles, they tested to find out if they are inhibited or compensating. The Psoas muscle is also tested as the upper end of the muscle blends into the diaphragm.

breathing muscles

With applied kinesiology, I can use golgi tendon and muscle spindle reflexes to re-set the muscles and use neuro-lymphatic & neuro-vascular points to flush toxics out of the muscles. I restest the inhibited/weak muscles to get a neural lock in the brain’s muscle center.

I use neuro-lymphatic & neuro- vascular pts to help lymph and blood flow to the diaphragm and also give the patient breathing exercises to strengthen the diaphragm.

I also stimulate acu-points for the lung meridian and it’s brother/sister pair- the large intestine meridian which may indicate that the patient needs probiotics.

The cervical & thoracic spine are checked for subluxations/somatic dysfunction as the nerves from these areas  innervate the before mentioned muscles and the lung and are adjusted as needed.  The articulations of the rib joints to both the vertebrae and the sternum are also important to check.

Once the above is done, the patient is given breathing exercises to do daily in order to strengthen the formerly weak muscles

Working on all these aspects causes the bio-mechanics of the chest to work better and breathing is freed up.

Of course causes of both bronchial and lung and general inflammation need to be found and worked on via nutrition and lifestyle changes; but that is another blog.

Self-taught Breathing Retraining Helps Asthma Patients

©  2010-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

©  Revised 2015/2017 -Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Muscles, Connective Tissue Between Organs Influence Illness

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice at 230 W. 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

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Podcast: Ancient Medicine Today: Applied Kinesiology with Dr.Vittoria Repetto


I’ve been interviewed for a program called Ancient Medicine Today, here’s the link and a short description written by my interviewer:

February 22, 2010 : On today’s show : We are going to venture into the practice of Applied Kinesiology. Here to share with us what is, as well as what it is not, is Dr.Vittoria Repetto. We’ll also take a walk on the wild side and learn about an herb that makes a great wine, and treats infections. Then, Stay tuned for Glancing at the stars, with Nick Symington. Nick is live in the studio with this weeks Astrological 411.

Dr Vittoria Repetto, is a Chiropractor as well as a practitioner of Applied Kinesiology. Vittoria practices in New York City. If you would like to find out more about Applied Kinesiology as well as other cutting edge health topics, I recommend taking a look at Dr.Vittoria Repetto’s blog. You will find it at :

Applied Kinesiology is a system that evaluates: structural, chemical and mental aspects of a person’s health. The combined terms applied and kinesiology describe the basis of this system, which is the use of manual muscle testing to evaluate body function through the dynamics of the musculoskeletal system.

In general, the applied Kinesiologist finds a muscle that tests weak and then attempts to determine why that muscle is not functioning properly. The practitioner will then evaluate and apply the therapy that will best eliminate the muscle weakness and help the patient. In some cases, the practitioner may test for environmental or food sensitivities by using a previously strong muscle to find what weakens it.

Treatments may involve specific joint manipulation or mobilization, various myofascial therapies, cranial techniques, meridian and acupuncture skills, clinical nutrition, dietary management, as well as counseling.


Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice; please go to
And please check out the Patient Testimonials at the “Our Practice” page at the web site.

The Correct Use of Muscle Testing in Nutritional Evaluation in Applied Kinesiology

When I’m meeting new people at a social or a networking event, I introduce myself as a Doctor of Chiropractic and an Applied Kinesiologist. Sometimes they have no idea what AK is and I fill them in. But most of the time, they will say something like “I had someone touch a spot on me and then pull down on my outstretched arm. It was weak. Then I held a bottle of pills and was told I needed them. Is that Applied Kinesiology?”

This is one of the big abuses of muscle testing.

In Applied Kinesiology, muscles are related to themselves and the joints they cross, their spinal innervation, their neuro-lymphathic & neuro-vascular points, the Chinese acupuncture meridian associated with them and the organs/glands via the meridian system.

So how does nutritional muscle testing work? First it is muscle specific, pulling down on an outstretched arm is not specific as it involves a number of muscles. And holding a bottle in hand stimulates nothing in your brain except maybe a placebo effect.

Here’s an example: a patient comes in with a shoulder problem and upon examination I find that one of the patient’s internal rotators – the Pectoralis Clavicular Major is weak.

The Pectoralis Clavicular is innervated by the lateral pectoral nerve that comes from the 5th & 6th cervical spinal nerves, it is associated w/ the Stomach meridian and in Chinese five-element theory is associated with worry.

Does the patient have a weak Pectoralis on one or do both sides tested together come up weak – a possible sign of cranial faults that need to be fixed? Does the patient have a history of digestive problems, heartburn, bloating, blenching, constipation? Is the patient experiencing emotional worries?

If no, then I proceed w/ either stretching or toning the muscle, rubbing out the neuro-lymphatic and neuro-vascular points for the muscles and seeing if the meridian is involved and seeing if the C5-6 spinal segments, the shoulder joints, clavicle or the sternum (breastbone ) or the ribs need to be adjusted. I then re-test the muscle to see if the problem is now fixed.

IMG_9084Retouched & crop

If yes, I proceed with the above as correcting the structural first sometime will help the digestive problems. A case in point is a patient with a lack of hydrochloric acid, indicated by bilateral pectoralis major weakness. Taking hydrochloric acid may clear the weakness.

But if the HCl is given, it hides the indicator for a temporal bulge or other cranial fault. A cranial fault may be causing entrapment of the Vagus nerve, thus causing hypochlorhydria that is responsible for the digestive problem in the first place. The proper approach is to correct the cranium and any other structural factor that is causing the hypochlorhydria.

I then talk to the patient about their diet, what foods or food combinations may be problematic for them and what supplements and medications – over the counter & prescription that they may be taking and to keep a food diary in which the patient also notes any digestive problems.

For example, the patient may have been advised to take Tums in order to get calcium; unfortunately the calcium carbonate in Tums is acting as an antacid and is adversely affecting the patient’s ability to digest and absorb food (including calcium) Take the patient off the Tums and the HCL problem resolves

I also talk to the patient about any emotional problems or stresses that may be affected them and we work w/ emotional meridian releasing techniques that the patient can also do at home.

On the next visit if the structural and emotional interactions have cleared then I test for nutritional factors such as HCL, or food allergies/sensitivities The patient is tested by placing sample of either the supplement or food in their mouth and having them chew in order to stimulate gustatory receptors in the brain and then the Pectoralis is then re-tested to see if there is a change in the muscle strength. The patient is then advised take whatever strengthened the indicator muscle and asked to note any changes in their food diary.

If nutritional testing doesn’t resolve the muscle weakness, then the patient may be advised to have some standard testing done such as testing for H. Pylori or anemia which can be affecting digestion such as iron, folic acid or B12 deficiencies.

On the following visit, the patient will continue to be evaluated to see if the digestive problems have resolved, if the structural and emotional indicators have resolved and when the patient no longer needs to take the supplementation.

As you see, the proper use of applied kinesiology in evaluating nutrition is made within the total framework of the triad of health – structural, emotional, chemical and includes both standard and kinesiologicial diagnostic procedures that confirm the need for the nutrition.

Correlation of applied kinesiology muscle testing findings with serum immunoglobulin levels for food allergies

©  2010-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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