Disc Problems: Part 2 – Degenerative Disc Disease – A NYC Chiropractor/ Applied Kinesiologist / NeuroKinetic Therapist Explains

Degenerative disc disease is often thought of as part of the normal aging process, but it is more common in individuals who smoke cigarettes and who do heavy lifting or physical work. Being overweight can also put individuals at an increased risk of degenerative disc disease because the spinal column works harder to carry around excess weight and may break down sooner.

Chronic bad posture can also increase the pressure on the spinal column as well.

Degenerative disc disease may occur when an individual experiences a sudden fall and develops a herniated disc as well.

See Disc Problems: Part 1 – Disc Herniation – A NYC Chiropractor/ Applied Kinesiologist / NeuroKinetic Therapist Explains  for more information about spinal discs

A contributing factor may be due to the loss of fluids in the spinal discs due to dehydration , which reduces the disc’s ability to absorb shock or act as a cushion. Loss of fluid makes the spinal discs thinner and narrows the amount of space in between the vertebrae. It also causes inflexibility in the spine

The loss of disc height narrows the space between the vertebrae and decreases the space from which the spinal nerve exits. (see image below)

This impingement of the spinal nerve can cause pain, numbness or muscle weakness to the area innervated by that spinal nerve.

But let’s talk about an additional contributing factor in degenerative disc disease; and that is the abnormal spinal mechanics caused by what we chiropractors call a subluxation or spinal joint dysfunction.

The Subluxation/Spinal Joint Dysfunction

Spinal joint dysfunction happens when a vertebrae (or more) is not moving freely in all its possible planes.  For example, if the vertebrae is “struck” in its right posterior plane, the rest of the vertebrae compensates by abnormally increased motion in the other planes of the body. This causes increased pressure and a wearing away of the spinal disc.

What is needed is the removal of the “stuck” part or spinal joint dysfunction by a gentle re-alignment to the spine by a doctor of chiropractic such as myself.

How a Combination of Applied Kinesiology, NeuroKinetic Therapy and Chiropractic Works

As I also employ applied kinesiology and neurokinetic therapy techniques, I look for muscle imbalances by using muscle testing to determine what muscles are inhibited and what muscles are compensating (facilitating)for them.

A muscle  imbalance can aggravate the spinal j.oint dysfunction by not allowing the release of abnormal joint motion.

A correction of muscle imbalance is part of the treatment for degenerative disc disease as well as increased water intake and anti-inflammatory nutrients.

I use a table that provides flexion distraction and spinal decompression; biomechanically it can open the disc space  by 28%; allowing for a gentle release of pressure on the spinal discs.

Think you may have a disc degeneration  problem? Please give me a call at 212-431-3724 or email me at drvittoriarepett@aol.com. 

And lets talk and see if I can help you.



© 2019-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic./ NeuroKinetic Therapy practice at 230 W 13thSt., NYC 10011; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com.

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page at my web site.

Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? Follow me at https://www.facebook.com/wvillagechiropracticappliedkinesiologynkt/
Or join me at Twitter: www.twitter.com/DrVRepetto



Low Back Pain & Non Force Adjustments/SOT Blocking: A NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist/NeuroKinetic Therapist Explains

One of the major complaints that causes patients to seek out a doctor of chiropractic is low back pain; it can be caused by either a problem with the lumbar spine or the sacrum.

As a doctor of chiropractic who is also an applied kinesiologist, I use a technique developed by Dr. DeJarnette called Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT); so named because of the relationship between the sacrum (base of the spine) and the occiput (base of the skull).

One of the functions of the sacrum is to pump cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) from the base of the spine back up the spinal canal to the brain and throughout the nervous system. The occiput also helps to pump CSF. The minute rhythmical motion is essential to optimal health – CSF effectively acts as the circulatory system of the brain and spinal cord.

The pelvis forms the foundational support of the human skeleton. It supports the upper body right up to the skull, and enables us to transfer our weight to our legs. The sacrum is a large bone located at the terminal part of the vertebral spine, where it forms the posterior aspect of the pelvis. The spine holds our body upright, supports all of our organs and provides anchor points for our muscles. It also protects our delicate nervous system. The nervous system controls our body, and can only function normally when our structures are balanced and our pelvis, sacrum and lumbar is stable.

Dr. DeJarnette’s studied two aspects of the sacroiliac joint; the anterior synovial portion and the posterior hyaline cartilage portion. The anterior sacroiliac joint should have motion and this is where sacral nutation and counternutation takes place. The posterior sacroiliac joint is focused on weight-bearing stability and support, which is why at the posterior joint surface there are interlocking of the ridges, and grooves by structures like muscles, ligaments and fascia.

DeJarnette evaluated the weight-bearing characteristics of the sacroiliac joint and determined that when the joint could not adequately support body weight then load bearing stress will be moved upward to the L5/S1 and L4/5 discs, most commonly.

DeJarnette developed an analysis which classified pelvic problems into three different categories and three different non-force techniques using SOT blocks in positions that correct the involved category.


One of the major complaints that causes patients to seek out a doctor of chiropractic is low back pain; it can be caused by either a problem with the lumbar spine or the sacrum.

As a doctor of chiropractic who is also an applied kinesiologist, I use a technique developed by Dr. DeJarnette called Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT); so named because of the relationship between the sacrum (base of the spine) and the occiput (base of the skull).

One of the functions of the sacrum is to pump Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) from the base of the spine back up the spinal canal to the brain and throughout the nervous system. The occiput also helps to pump CSF. The minute rhythmical motion is essential to optimal health – CSF effectively acts as the circulatory system of the brain and spinal cord.

Dr. DeJarnette’s studied two aspects of the sacroiliac joint; the anterior synovial portion and the posterior hyaline cartilage portion. The anterior sacroiliac joint should have motion and this is where sacral nutation and counternutation takes place. 



The posterior sacroiliac joint is focused on weight-bearing stability and support, which is why at the posterior joint surface there are interlocking of the ridges, and grooves by structures like muscles, ligaments and fascia.


DeJarnette evaluated the weight-bearing characteristics of the sacroiliac joint and determined that when the joint could not adequately support body weight then load bearing stress will be moved upward to the L5/S1 and L4/5 discs, most commonly.

DeJarnette developed an analysis which classified pelvic problems into three different categories and three different non-force techniques using SOT blocks in positions that correct the involved category.

Category One is a pelvic torsion with altered sacral nutation(motion)  This lack of nutation affects the spinal and cranial meningeal and CSF systems which function to a degree like a closed kinematic chain. Therefore symptoms can be low back pain, chronic shoulder complaints, thoracic outlet syndrome, CSF stagnation, and altered vasomotor function.

Involved muscles can be the piriformis, quadratus lumborum, sacrospinalis, gluteus medius and gluteus maximus. As an applied kinesiologist, I’d check to see if they are hypotonic or hypertonic; as a neurokinetic therapist, I’d check to see if a muscle is weak (or inhibited) by another muscle compensating.

Therapy localization (TL) is done by putting 2 hands on each sacral-iliac joint and then challenging the pelvis for a structural listing and then blocks are put under the patient’s pelvis based to the findings.

The positive Tl’ed side is not adjusted. Cranials are checked.

Category Two happens when ligaments that hold the sacroiliac joint are stretched or sprained, allowing the joint surfaces to separate. Stress can aggravate this ligament weakness via adrenal hormone overdrive.

Symptoms can be low back pain, bowel complaints, possible dysfunction of the reproductive glands and the adrenals, shoulder problems and decreased cervical range of motion.

Involved muscles in addition to the ones mentioned in Category I are the sartorius, gracilis, rectus abdominals and hamstrings along with the iliolumbar ligament. These structures are tested via applied kinesiology and neurokinetic protocols mentioned above. Cranials again are checked.

Category Three occurs when the low back can no longer tolerate the physical stressors placed on it and involves both disc and nerve root aggravation. This can be a sudden one-off event such as a lift, or it can be a pre-existing weakness that is aggravated. Often Category Three produces pain in the low back and sometimes pain radiates down a leg as sciatica.

Muscles to be checked are the psoas as it attaches into the front of the lumbar vertebrae as well as the muscles involved in Category One as Category Three can be a Category One that was never corrected.

Correction in all the categories involves using blocks under the pelvis in specific directions related to the category and the subluxation/misalignment of the pelvis/sacrum. The patient’s weight and breathing help to balance the low back, sacrum and CSF flow and takes the pressure or irritation off the nerve. This allows the body to heal.

Patient is told to ice the involved areas, how to do daily activities, given stretches and exercises and advised on nutrition to help the body heal.

For more information on issues mentioned:

Cranial Sacral Therapy in Applied Kinesiology

How a Combination of Applied Kinesiology, NeuroKinetic Therapy and Chiropractic Works

The Use of Applied Kinesiology in a Chiropractic Examination

© 2017-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

 Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? 


Or join me at Twitter: www.twitter.com/DrVRepetto

A NYC Chiropractor & Applied Kinesiologist & NeuroKinetic Therapist Moves Her Practice to 230 W. 13th Street

As of Saturday Feb 4th, Dr. Vittoria Repetto will be seeing patients at 230 W 13th Street #1B ( between 7th Ave & Horatio St).  NY 10011 in the West Village

Our phone number will still be 212-431-3724.

Office hours will be Tuesday & Saturday 2pm – 8pm

Ring bell A and wait.

Take door on the right. Walk down one floor.230w13th-street

For those who know the West Village, this is the same block as Integral Yoga and the LGBT Center.

The 1,2,3, A, C, E, F, L & M  subway lines are near by as are the M14A, M14D, M20 & M7 bus lines.

Dr Repetto will no longer be working at 455 W 23th Street.

The name of the Facebook page London Terrace Chiropractic & Applied Kinesiology will be changed to West Village Chiropractic & Applied Kinesiology on Feb 1st

The new site does have a flexion-distraction table which allows  Dr Repetto to open up and relax her patient’s spine more esp great for those  w/ disc or spinal stenosis problems .

Twitter page @DrVRepetto

How a Combination of Applied Kinesiology, NeuroKinetic Therapy and Chiropractic Works

A patient comes in with a problem, maybe low back pain. Most chiropractors would figure out what vertebrae /spinal nerve is involved and then adjust the segments involved.

However what is missed is why did the problem happen and how can it be fixed so that it does not happen again.

First we need to look at the muscles innervated by the spinal segment

As a Applied Kinesiologist, I test for the function of individual muscles. For example, we may find the latissimus dorsi muscle weak; that is a muscle that internally rotates, extends and adducts the arm/ shoulder. It also attracts into the lumbar and sacral vertebra and part of the pelvic crest. The weakness may seen either as a higher shoulder on the weak side or a rotation of the lumbar vertebrae. The questions to be asked are: why is the muscle weak? Is the muscle on the other side hypertonic or “too stronger.”

Is there a problem with the vascular or lymphatic drainage of that muscle? Is there a problem with the cranial-sacral system?

Is there a Lovett Brother association where a twisting of the spinal meninges affects an upper vertebrae as well as a low back spinal segment.

As a NKT practitioner, I ask “Is there a dysfunction in the coordination of muscles working in patterns?”

Is the above mentioned latissimus dorsi inhibited by the muscles that attach to the shoulder like the upper or middle trapezius or the levator scapulae or is it compensating (facilitating) for weak or inhibited muscles like the gluteus maximus or the quadratus lumborum or core muscles, for example.

back muscles

Is the patient using their neck muscles in the movement of their low back?

NeuroKinetic Therapy works with the concept that movement is performed in systems or patterns. The human brain has an affinity toward habits.

NKT identifies muscle imbalances by using muscle testing to determine what muscles are inhibited and what muscles are compensating (facilitating)for them.

I would test the muscles involved in the problematic movement. After an inhibited/weak muscle is found, I would muscle test a synergistic (a helper muscle) or an antagonist muscle (an opposing muscle} which is strong/facilitated that may be affecting the inhibited muscle.

That facilitated muscle would be therapy localized (the muscle is either touched or put in motion) and the inhibited muscle retested. If the TL strengthens the inhibited muscle, then I know that the TLed muscle is affecting the inhibited muscle.

And I can use AK techniques to release the TLed muscle. The inhibited muscle is then retested which should test strong now, the retesting causes a “neural lock” which reprograms the motor control center in the brain.

After balance is restored to the muscles, the vertebrae  ( or extremity joint) are adjusted.

Stretches are given to the previously facilitated muscles and exercises given to the previously inhibited muscles in order to break the pattern that caused the problem.

For more detailed information, please click on the following blogs:










© 2016-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Yesterday, a woman from Chicago wrote me, “had thyroidectomy in August and my scar attached to muscles pulling my chest up when I was swallowing while applying lots of pressure to throat it has loosened up a bit but I feel that my hyoid bone might be dislocated or pulled down by muscles that was stitched too tight and adhered”
She asked me if exercise and stretches would help.
“No, you need to know what muscles are unbalanced”
There are 26 muscles in the neck–10 pairs of 2 and 2 sets of 3, to be precise. The neck muscles attach to various bones of the skull, spine, thoracic cage, and shoulder girdle.
You need to see a practitioner who knows how to muscle testing – a chiropractor who does applied kinesiology or neurokinetic therapy and fiqure out which are inhibited and which are hypertonic.
So I give her links on where to find a practitioner who could help her.
for more on possible clues in  this case:
© 2019-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Muscles, Connective Tissue Between Organs Influence Illness

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

 Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? 


Or join me at Twitter: www.twitter.com/DrVRepetto


Thoughts on Whiplash or Neck Trauma by a NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist

“Whiplash” is commonly associated with auto accidents but also can be associated with many types of trauma like sport injuries, bad falls and even nodding off in chair and awaking with a sudden jerking of the neck.

The term “whiplash” refers to the mechanism of the injury. The proper terminology is cervical hyperextension/hyperflexion sprain. Hyperextension means that the head and neck are bent backward beyond their normal range of movement. Hyperflexion means that the head and neck are bent forward beyond the normal range of motion. Symptoms can include neck and back pain, loss of range of motion, shoulder & arm pain or numbness, jaw pain, dizziness, headaches, nausea, difficulty swallowing etc.

Within the neck region’s joints are some of the most complex movements within the body. The cervical bones house and protect the spinal cord. Nerves from the cord pass out of the spine between the vertebrae; nerve entrapment can happen due to the shift of the cervical joint and spasm in both the smaller vertebral muscles http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/the-prevertebral-muscles-of-the-neck.html that control fine movements and the larger and longer muscles https://www.realbodywork.com/learn/neck/neck.htm that control the gross movements of the neck which can result in the above

cervical muscles

Cranial-Sacral Mechanism: the skull and sacrum operate in ways that are often inadequately considered in whiplash cases. There is movement between the cranial bones and the sacrum called the cranial sacral respiratory mechanism that pumps cerebrospinal fluid https://drvittoriarepetto.wordpress.com/2010/05/17/cranial-sacral-therapy-in-applied-kinesiology/ up and down the spine that helps keep the nerves healthy. Whiplash can cause jamming of the cranial bones resulting in poor function. Poor function of this mechanism can interfere with cranial nerves, some of which control neck muscles, muscles that move the eyes, and muscles that move the jaw, muscles involved with swallowing and breathing.

Some of the very bizarre symptoms of whiplash trauma develop as a result of cranial dysfunction. Intricately associated with this area are the nerves responsible for balance. These include cranial nerve VIII, which supplies the balance mechanism of the middle ear, cranial nerves III, IV, and VI that supply the muscles that move the eyes and are intricately associated with the visual righting reflexes, and the nerve endings in the upper cervical vertebral ligaments that supply the head on-neck reflexes. These reflexes must work together. If there has been injury causing improper nerve supply to one or more of these areas, neurologic disorganization develops that can cause a change in muscle function throughout the body; there may be dizziness, ear ringing, nausea, blurred or double vision, headaches, and myriad other symptoms.

Many whiplash patients develop pain in the jaw joint, called the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which is aggravated by chewing. https://drvittoriarepetto.wordpress.com/2013/06/26/tmj-problems-jaw-problems-and-how-a-nyc-chiropractorapplied-kinesiologist-handles-the-problem/

As a doctor of chiropractor who also does applied kinesiology, I not only deal with restoring the proper movement of the cervical vertebrae https://drvittoriarepetto.wordpress.com/2010/07/17/the-subluxationspinal-joint-dysfunction/ but almost dealing with the injury to the both the flexion and extension muscles of the cervical area mentioned above whether they need to be relaxed or whether they need to be strengthened. https://drvittoriarepetto.wordpress.com/2010/06/21/muscle-balancing-in-applied-kinesiology/

Nutrition is suggested to help repair injured muscle fibers.

Cranial bone movement is checked via muscle testing and restored by non-force movements with inspiratory assistance

The movement of the sacrum, commonly missed in a non-applied kinesiology office, is checked for dysfunction and adjusted for return of normal function and proper flow of the cerebrospinal fluid so important to the health of the brain and the spinal cord and nerves.


© 2015-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page at my web site.

 Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? Follow me at https://www.facebook.com/wvillagechiropracticappliedkinesiologynkt/

Or join me at Twitter: 

How a NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist/NeuroKineticTherapy Practitioner Treats Migraine Headaches

Are you having intense throbbing or a pulsing sensation in one area of your head and experiencing nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

Does your headache last for hours to days and is it so severe that all you can think about is finding a dark, quiet place to lie down.

Then it a good bet that you are suffering from a migraine headache.

Some find that their migraine is preceded or accompanied by sensory warning symptoms (aura), such as flashes of light, blind spots, or tingling in your arm or leg.

Unfortunately a lot of migraine sufferers take pharmaceuticals which only work 50% of the time, only that mask symptoms and cause side effects which include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, liver toxicity, muscle weakness and an increased risk of strokes and heart attacks.


In my practice, I have work with numerous people affected by migraines and I use a combination of holistic therapies to give my patients relief from their migraines.

In my practice, I have found some of the causes to be

  • Cervical and Cranial Misalignment/Malfunction
  • Neck Muscle Imbalances – Facilitating ones compensating for inhibited/weak ones
  • TMJ – Jaw joint & muscle imbalances
  • Stress
  • Liver toxicity
  • Food allergies/ Intolerances
  • Imbalance in Organ and Vascular Function
  • Nutritional Deficiencies such as Magnesium, B complex vitamins, Vitamin D and CoQ10

A lot of migraine sufferers have a combination of these causal factors.

In my practice, I check for upper cervical mis-alignments which can irritate nerves to the head and refer painful impulses.

Jammed cranial sutures can also affect both cranial and cervical nerves and the muscles of the head and cause pain.

Poor posture can cause cervical and cranial problems and therefore a patient’s posture is addressed and corrected.

Neck, shoulder and jaw muscles are tested for imbalances where facilitated muscles are compensating for inhibited muscles or where hypo-tonic  or hyper-tonic muscles affect the alignment of the spine,jaw or skull.





Organ and vascular mis-function (not pathology), food allergies, intolerances, and liver toxicity can affect the processes of organs to work efficiently, decrease blood flow, affect the immune response and increase toxics in the body.

I use neuro-lymphatics and neuro-vascular pts and acupressure pts to increase the function and energy of the body.

I can also use these points to help the patient deal with stress and also suggest lifestyle changes to help them cope with the cause of their stress



I check to see if the patient is eating foods that aggravate their migraine symptoms; these can include food allergies and intolerances such as gluten or dairy. Allergies and intolerances create problems in your gut and increase toxicity in the body.


I encourage patient to only eat whole, natural un-processed fresh foods and get rid of artificial sweeteners, foods with high fructose corn syrup and other additives.

A lot of migraine sufferers befit from nutritional supplementation and a liver detox to increase body function


For more information on migraines, please see http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/01/22/migraine-headaches.aspx

If you suffer from migraines, please think about being treated with the combination of the above holistic therapies give me a call at 212-431-3724 to make an appointment.

© 2014-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Revision: ©2016 – Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com

And please check out the Patient Testimonials on my web site.

Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? Follow me at  https://www.facebook.com/pg/wvillagechiropracticappliedkinesiologynkt

Or join me at Twitter: www.twitter.com/DrVRepetto


Findings Fortify Low Riboflavin, Migraine Link

A NYC Chiropractor/Applied KInesiologist Posts Site About Sitting Correctly

Are you sitting wrong or sitting for too long? Since a lot of us have office jobs, we spent almost half our day sitting usually in a bad posture. Sitting can have an important impact on your health.

Posture is about keeping your spine aligned with its natural shape and curves and the equal pull on our spines by the spinal and back muscles. Bad posture can throw off your spine’s balance, allowing your body to be more prone to injury. In an average day common incorrect posture positions can change the balance of our spine and the back muscles.

When we slouch, the natural spinal curves are either reversed or exaggerated and this puts more stress on our spine and muscles. For example, if we hang our head and neck down, we increase the strain of the muscles balancing the weight of our head and increase the strain of the muscles holding our rib cage up. Some mucles become too tight and others too loose. Such an imbalance can lead to tension headaches, mid-back pains, neck pains and shoulder pains.

Similarly, low back pain can be caused by misalignment of the spine and unbalanced muscle pull on both the front , back and sides of our torso due to bad posture and habits.

Here is a website with a complete workshop helping you Sit Right when working. Back and neck pain are never comfortable. These guidelines will make your life more comfortable.


© 2013-Dr. Vittoria Repetto
Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic practice; please go to http://www.drvittoriarepetto.com

And please check out the Patient Testimonials at the “Our Practice” page at the web site.

Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? Follow me at http://www.facebook.com/pages/London-Terrace-Chiropractic-Applied-Kinesiology/109622855768202
Or join me at Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DrVRepetto

A NYC Chiropractor/Applied Kinesiologist Talks About Bad Posture & Body Pains

We’re all guilty of it. Bad posture comes with our everyday tasks, when we are not paying attention to how we are sitting, standing, lying down or driving. And our spine and the muscles associated w/ our spine take more of a beating than we realize.

Posture is not just about standing up straight, it’s about keeping your spine aligned with its natural shape and curves and the equal pull on our spines by the spinal and back muscles. Bad posture can throw off your spine’s balance, allowing your body to be more prone to injury. In an average day common incorrect posture positions can change the balance of our spine and the back muscles.

When we slouch, the natural spinal curves are either reversed or exaggerated and this puts more stress on our spine and muscles. For example, if we hang our head and neck down, we increase the strain of the muscles balancing the weight of our head and increase the strain of the muscles holding our rib cage up. Some mucles become too tight and others too loose. Such an imbalance can lead to tension headaches, mid-back pains, neck pains and shoulder pains.poor-posture-tos

Similarly, low back pain can be caused by misalignment of the spine and unbalanced muscle pull on both the front , back and sides of our torsis due to bad posture and habits.

Chiropractor and especially Applied Kinesiologists are trained to spot and test for these muscle imbalances and correct these imbalances so please do seek one out if you are having body pains and in the meantime, make an effort to be conscious of your posture.

© 2012-Dr. Vittoria Repetto


Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

 Want to be in the know on holistic information and postings? 


Or join me at Twitter: www.twitter.com/DrVRepetto

No Insurance, No Problem. Reasonable Rates with Dr. Repetto – NYC Chiropractor / Applied Kinesiologist

Hi!, I’m Dr. Vittoria Repetto, a native downtown New Yorker and Doctor of Chiropractor and an Applied Kinesiologist who has been in practice since 1987. And recently a Neuro Kinetic Therapy practitioner.

I treat the whole person, not just your symptoms. I know that balancing your structure, your biochemistry and your mental outlook all contribute to your well-being.

Each of my 75 minute long wellness sessions is unique and composed of interrelated holistic therapies that work together to achieve maximum benefits.

I am not affiliated with any insurance network.

If I belonged to a network I would have to see patients in an assembly line fashion (10-15 minutes). I would not be able to take time to, for example, balance the muscle pull on your spine or extremities or to do cranial sacral work or acupressure work or talk to you about your nutritional needs or suggest exercises or lifestyle changes related to your condition.

Therefore I ask that my patients pay me directly and I fill out their insurance claim form and they get reimbursed by their insurance company if they are allowed to go “out of network” by their policy.

I charge $150 for the initial visit which includes consultation, examination and treatment and the $120 for the following visits.

The fees for my practice are moderate by New York City standards; most doctors offering similar therapies charge $ 200 to $300 for their visits and spend less time on each visit .

My fees can be paid in cash and check (no credit cards). Payment is expected at the time of service..

Services include:

  • Spinal Manipulation
  • Extremity Manipulation
  • Jaw (TMJ) Manipulation
  • NeuroKinetic Therapy
  • Cranial – Sacral Work
  • Chinese Five Element Energy /Acupressure Therapy
  • Organ Vascular & Lymphatic Therapy
  • Muscle Balancing
  • Emotional Balancing
  • Stress Reduction
  • Galvinic Therapy
  • Nutritional Consultation

Because of my Whole Person approach to wellness, I have helped patients with both short-term problems and long-term unresolved problems become free of their complaints.

And because I spend a good deal of time with you and because of my use of interrelated therapies, unlike a lot of doctors, I don’t require you to come in three times a week.

Some of the complaints that I have helped in the last 29 years are:

  • Musculoskeletal problems such as low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel, rotator cuff problems, knee pain, muscle pains
  • Headaches, Migraines
  • High blood pressure, fatique, low energy, problems losing weight, dizziness, vertigo, poor memory
  • Digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea, belching, bloating, difficulty with certain foods, heartburn,
  • Respiratory problems such as hyper-sensitivity to pollen, ragweed, etc, difficulty breathing, frequent colds, sinus problems
  • Immune problems such as frequesnt colds, flu, infections
  • Menstrual cramps, hot flashes, irregular cycles, etc

So if you  want to utilize non-pharmacological means of getting relief, please give me a call at 212-431-3724. I’m located at 230 W 13th St #1B, NYC 10011 (between 7th & Greenwich Ave)

I’m  also the writer of this  blog, in which I talk about chiropractic, applied kinesiology techniques, muscle balancing, my thoughts on nutrition and healing and as befits a foodie and a daughter of an Italian chef, even some healthy and delicious recipes.


 © 2012-Dr. Vittoria Repetto
 © 2016 – revised – Dr Vittoria Repetto
Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/NKT practice; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com.
And please check out the Patient Testimonials page at my  web site.

Applied Kinesiology As Part Of Treating for Functional Wellness

First what is functional wellness?

Functional wellness is an approach to the human body that allows you to treat the underlying cause of the problem such as for example heartburn—not just manage the symptoms of it.

Its primary distinction is a focus on overall health—physical, mental, and nutritional. It’s not a single treatment for a single problem (or its symptoms).

As a certified applied kinesiologist, I look for the cause of the problem. For example, in a case of heartburn, I look to see if the spinal segments innervating the stomach, the esophagus and diaphragm are moving freely.

Do the neuro-lymphatic or the neuro-vascular points need stimulation to increase lymphatic or vascular flow?

Is there a cranial fault involved?

Is the patient using their diaphragm correctly to breathe?  Is an imbalance in their psoas muscle affecting their diaphragm?

Is a visceral manipulation needed?

Does the patient need enzymes to help them digest or zinc to heal inflammation in the digestive tract?  Does the patient need probiotics?

Are there acupressure points involved? Is the energy in their stomach meridian being affected by an overflow of liver meridian energy due to the patient’s anger issues?

These and other questions arise when looking for the cause of a problem.

The human body functions as a network of interconnected systems that affect each other. so a functional wellness approach such as a chiropractic/applied kinesiology/nutrition treats the whole body rather than a sub-section or single organ system.

The goal of functional wellness also is the prevention and addressing the underlying clinical imbalances that may lead to any number of chronic problems.


Keeping the spine and the cranium moving freely and the lymphatic, vascular and acu-points unblocked and making sure that the patient has the proper nutrition that they need is part of our prevention/maintenance care.

Part of my continuing education is keeping abreast of nutritional research and chiropractic techniques; please check out our Bibliography page on my web site http://www.drvittoriarepetto.com for a list of my continuing education studies.

If you have any questions or wish to talk to me about your concerns, please feel free to contact me either by e-mail drvittoriarepett@aol.com  or via phone 212-431-3724.

© 2012-Dr. Vittoria Repetto

Want more information on Dr. Vittoria Repetto and her NYC Applied Kinesiology/Chiropractic/ NKT practice at 230 W 13th St., NYC 10011; please go to www.drvittoriarepetto.com

And please check out the Patient Testimonials page on my web site.

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